Wohooo!!! My domain was available!!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Actually, I'm pretty shocked that www.mrtoast.com wasn't taken yet, but I'm not arguing. I'll be activating the site for it soon!!!

And what does this have to do with the Maidens forum? Well, since a lot of those pics I posted over the last eight months or so are being moved to this domain, well let's just say my work is cut out for me! So if you start seeing Red X's where my pics used to be, this is why... and please let me know.

This will also affect the 'which Maiden' quiz I did, and I will get the new URL to the Maidens as soon as the change is made! Maybe I'll finally get around to adding more questions (some with multiple options!!!).


That is just too cool!

OK, I'll stop sharing my enthusiasm now...

Snausages said:
Hey my avatar vanished!:yell:

Silly forum upgrades anyways!

Fortunately, I have mine on my own web space (some giant flying turtle strolling by the Kenwood building - I'm suprised no one has ever asked me why I chose that one...)
thebigyetti said:
so why did you choose that one?

1) Gamera is awesome! I can't wait for the latest Gamera movie to find it's way to video here! (Not to mention the new Godzilla movie...). Jet-powered flying turtles are cool!

2) While some people are subtle, I have to work at it. Otherwise, I usually jump right in (crashing into things/egos on the way), attack the problem, and then leave a trail of debris behind for others to attend to.

3) It IS the Kenwood building he is strolling by... guess the Kenwood logo is a little small there to be easily recognized!

Hey! Where is that 'what are you listening to' box at the bottom?!? I liked that!

(Listening to OSI at the moment - kicks much ass!)
Mr Toast said:
1) Gamera is awesome! I can't wait for the latest Gamera movie to find it's way to video here! (Not to mention the new Godzilla movie...). Jet-powered flying turtles are cool!

When I was about 6 I had a little toy turtle I called Gamera and one day I made him fly by throwing him as high in the air as I could but he landed on a neighbor's roof and I never saw him again. :cry:

When I was about 6 I had a little toy turtle I called Gamera and one day I made him fly by throwing him as high in the air as I could but he landed on a neighbor's roof and I never saw him again. :cry:

wow doodoobubbachuck, that sucks, i sorry. just curious, where did you come up w/ doodoobubbachuck?

NP: Children of Bodom - Hate Me