Wolverine in the UK

ah! I shall go and say hello to you and the much nicer looking Mrs :p

Someone told me you mention me on the To-Mera album sleeve... Do wish you weren't too busy to get drunk with me more often. lol
Finally back home in Sweden after a loooong Friday!

What an amazing week this has been. We've had so much fun together and we've met a bunch of great people. It's also been really great to speak to fans of the band that never visits this place or even don't use Internet what so ever. The guys in Anathema and Leafblade has been great and Anathema really made it a lot easier for us by lending us their backline. I thought I'd do a short rundown of all three shows:

Tuesday - Cathouse, Glasgow

We were all a bit worn out after the ride from Nottingham (where we spent the night) to Glasgow but at the same time really thrilled about finally getting to Scotland which was a dream come true for me since I've always wanted to go there. Unfortunately there wasn't any time to explore the country side but when we drove into Scotland I at least got to see some of the beautiful scenery Scotland has to offer.

The show itself, I have to say, was our worst one of the three. Not that we did bad but the sound was horrible on stage and it was impossible to really get into the music. I didn't get a good feel at all so that was a bit disappointing. It's always a drag not to be able to bring your own sound guy who knows exactly how you want things to sound. But as I said, I don't think we were bad, only not as good as we could have been if the sound had been ok. It was great however to meet fans after the show and they seemed to like the show and that's the most important thing since they've paid money to see us.

A house of plague
New best friends
Towards loss
And she slowly dies

Wednesday - Academy 3, Manchester

This was the best gig for us during this short tour. The audience were great from the start and the sound on stage was ok which made it easier to deliver. I also really liked the venue. Again, we met a lot of cool people after the show. As with Glasgow, it struck me how cool it is that people so far away from my own home actually come only for us and that some know every word of our songs. It's a rewarding feeling...

A house of plague
New best friends
This cold heart of mine
Towards loss
The final redemption

Thursday - Scala, London

This was our third time to London and as I pointed out on stage, it keeps getting more fun with every time. I've started to recognise a lot of people and a lot of people sing along with every word. I also got to meet Cavegirl (frequent poster on this board as you other frequent posters know) which was really cool. I always like to put faces and an actual person behind a name I've only seen on the net. So Cavegirl: thanks for the chat! I missed Prawn and Skunk Monk and looked for you. Later on when I visited the board I got to know why you weren't there. Such a drag but let's hope for better luck next time!

Anyway, the gig itself was good. I had a great stage sound so it was a joy to sing although I was a bit worn out from the two previous shows. It was a bit sad knowing this was the last show this time around but hopefully we'll be able to come back soon. No plans right now but you never know when something comes up.

A house of plague
New best friends
This cold heart of mine
Towards loss
And she slowly dies

Finally a big thank you to everyone who made this mini-tour possible: The Agency, Candlelight Records, Darren & Lisa and Plastic Head, Jane, Sam (our driver who ended up being our tour manager & merchandise guy as well), everyone that has helped us out at each venue, Leafblade, Anathema and of course everyone that came to see us. It's been an amazing week! Hopefully we can put some short videos up at the site from this tour. We'll see how the material ends up sounding like.


Domine said:
Thursday - Scala, London

This was our third time to London and as I pointed out on stage, it keeps getting more fun with every time. I've started to recognise a lot of people and a lot of people sing along with every word. I also got to meet Cavegirl (frequent poster on this board as you other frequent posters know) which was really cool. I always like to put faces and an actual person behind a name I've only seen on the net. So Cavegirl: thanks for the chat! I missed Prawn and Skunk Monk and looked for you. Later on when I visited the board I got to know why you weren't there. Such a drag but let's hope for better luck next time!

aah was so good to meet you :) even if i had a little too much to drink :D so handsome in person too :blush:

you guys need to come back and tour soon! :D
I'm sorry we couldn't be there - I'm trying to impress my bosses in my new temp job so they take me on permanently and unfortunately I have to take the next 2 weeks off for jury service - I thought that taking another afternoon off would not go down too well :( Living an hour and half from the venue made it more or less definite that we wouldn't make it there in time. I'm glad the tour went well though! I noticed the following comment by someone in a Last.FM journal and thought you might like to see it -

CyGuy6587 said:
Next was a Swedish prog-metal band called Wolverine. For me these guys were the highlight of the night. I've never heard anything by them before, but they blew me away. I'll be definitely getting into these guys soon!

Full journal entry here
Domine said:
Thursday - Scala, London

This was our third time to London and as I pointed out on stage, it keeps getting more fun with every time. I've started to recognise a lot of people and a lot of people sing along with every word. I also got to meet Cavegirl (frequent poster on this board as you other frequent posters know) which was really cool. I always like to put faces and an actual person behind a name I've only seen on the net. So Cavegirl: thanks for the chat! I missed Prawn and Skunk Monk and looked for you. Later on when I visited the board I got to know why you weren't there. Such a drag but let's hope for better luck next time!

Anyway, the gig itself was good. I had a great stage sound so it was a joy to sing although I was a bit worn out from the two previous shows. It was a bit sad knowing this was the last show this time around but hopefully we'll be able to come back soon. No plans right now but you never know when something comes up.



Amazing show! Was absolutely brilliant! I've seen you guys play twice in london now.. (I was at your first london gig aslo) Your voice is unbelievable!

Look forward to many returns!

As much as I enjoyed your set, I'm afraid it was somewhat overshadowed by the Brilliance of the Anathema set which followed. The crowd were amazing and most un-London-like. It must have been the presence of the large Polish contingent in the audience as they went crazy for all of their songs.

I've seen you a couple of times before: Progpower Europe in 1999 (I still have my copy of Fervent Dream from that gig), Progpower Europe 2005 and the previous show you played with Anathema in London (at the Mean Fiddler). [I can't remember whether I saw you with Epica earlier this year, but probably not as I've missed a lot of support bands this year.] I thought that it was a good show but I haven't listened to 'Still' yet, so I wasn't all that familiar with the setlist - aside from New Best Friends and Towards Loss. I pleased to see you getting such a good reaction from the crowd (and the press).

Sod it! Looks like I missed another opportunity to meet Cavegirl too :(
chazzyf said:
As much as I enjoyed your set, I'm afraid it was somewhat overshadowed by the Brilliance of the Anathema set which followed. The crowd were amazing and most un-London-like. It must have been the presence of the large Polish contingent in the audience as they went crazy for all of their songs.

Anathema sure played a brillant gig in London, definitely their best of the three. At the end of the show it kind of felt as if the roof would come off. :)

At the same time, as an opening act it's virtually impossible to be able to create that magical feeling that sometimes take place during a live gig. When the band plays great AND the audience interacts with the band throughout the set there's no stopping how great a gig can be. However as an opening act very few people have heard you and you have to settle with a soundengineer who has never heard you and so on. All the odds are against you in a way. At the same time I love to play as a support act since it's very exciting to play for people that have never even heard of you and try to convince them that the band is something to count with. I know for a fact that we managed to win a few people over during these three shows and that's such a cool feeling.

Now that we're back home again I just want to get out and play again! It's kind of like a drug to me it seems... We'll see what happens. A longer European tour would be just what Wolverine needs at this moment. Let's hope for the best!

Thanks again to everyone who came out to see us! The UK rocks, that's for sure!
they are online now at www.photopit.com :)
hope u enjoy them

