well i didnt mean that there is a contest, or "the great prog band fight or something, i just mean that there are better "new" prog bands than Pos and Evergrey , examples: Power Of Omens, Ion Vein, Spiral Architect, Arcturus ...
I dont think that Evergrey are doing something really original, hey you want an ORIGINAL and DIVINE prog band that noone cared about , check : MAYFAIR
The thing i dislike is that most prog fans give their attention to Evergrey and Post mainly because of the HUGE advertisment these bands get and the whole hype about them.
While others simply didnt get any attention because they were more original and innovative and creative than most prog metal fans could handle (especially the ones seeking Dream Theater copy-bands), and were lost remaining underground (Garden Wall, Sore Plexus are two examples of this thing)