Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters

Hasn't leaked to the net yet. I'm gonna pick it up at the SF show, most likely. I'd hate to have to give Southern Lord my money directly.
Hasn't leaked to the net yet. I'm gonna pick it up at the SF show, most likely. I'd hate to have to give Southern Lord my money directly.

With you on this. Figure I can probably wait until they're here with Jesu in October. They're playing at a venue about two miles from mi casa.
Well... I guess you could pretty much see it as a band exploiting a certain image to a point of being self-parody. Their more recent promotion of black metal (particularly certain bands) seems to have reached a rather whorish stage, and picking up a band like Wolves... Honestly, it's not really a big deal, just not a first choice.
Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I have downloaded this... and shall buy the album as soon as it is readily available and I have the money (I.E. didn't drop 500 dollars on brakes, power steering and cigars). I suspect this shall be my number one of the year just based on the bits I'm hearing.
Easily. And I've been so damned cynical about most of the music I've heard that was released this year, including stuff by favorite bands. It's nice to hear something moving and powerful like this. I'm so going to piss off my coworkers by playing this tomorrow.