Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters

I've only listened to short samples of this but just bought it because it sounds AMAZING.

Weakling wasn't really my thing (to be fair I only heard the album once), and as much as I try to pretend I like Leviathan, I really don't.
I hate this style of packaging. It's nearly impossible not to scratch or leave thumb prints on the surface of the cd.

Pretentious fucks.


So that's a no on the WitTR roadie position? :dopey: (Though you said you might as well be having seen them so much, in an earlier, deleted post. ;) )

Looks like they put on a great show, though.
cool video ... the chubby guy on the left was wearing a huge Hammers logo tee at the NY show
Haven't had much time this week, so I forgot to post this, but I saw them play the gay bar in SLC last week. Set was kinda short because of the way the night was scheduled, but a pretty decent show all around.

Sound was a problem, though I think that was a venue problem and not Wolves. Not sure if that venue has ever had anything like wolves play, so their sound system was definitely not ready for it. Energy wise, the band seemed kinda tired. Crowd was pretty lame including myself. I was sitting in a chair in the back since it was pretty late when they went on and I was fucking tired.

I wanna see them again in a better venue at a reasonable time on a night when I don't have to go into work the next day.
The middle section of "Behold the Vastness and Sorrow" is excellent -- these guys might be pompous and arrogant, but my goodness, they know how to build atmosphere.

Have to say though, am I the only one who misses Jamie Myers? :(
Sound was a problem, though I think that was a venue problem and not Wolves. Not sure if that venue has ever had anything like wolves play, so their sound system was definitely not ready for it. Energy wise, the band seemed kinda tired. Crowd was pretty lame including myself.

sounds familiar...i have similar memories from when i saw them; they played a short set, the sound was not very good, and they pretty much never moved. and the crowd sucked, but that's nothing new here.