Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters

Shit, I listened to half of this album (Dia Artio & I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots) and all I can say is... I'm sold!

I never bought Diadem, but I do listen to it from time to time on ye olde I-pud.
i need this, its a shame that you guys cant get off of jewsendit's nuts and move on to sendspace.com
Trust me JK, keep listening and let it absorb your soul; this is absolutely not an album where one listen will do it justice. (I know you never use that philosophy anyway, but it is *especially* true here).

Also, since the second track is very slow to build towards an amazing climax, be sure to give the album as a whole a few spins, rather than in bits and pieces.


Well, I suppose it finally happened. Third listen and I'm pretty much floored. This band really is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to this atmospheric, near-tribal, black metal. It's very ancient sounding, quite primitive in its cosmic resonance....

...shame they're a bunch of rockstar wankers. :loco:
Well, I suppose it finally happened. Third listen and I'm pretty much floored. This band really is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to this atmospheric, near-tribal, black metal. It's very ancient sounding, quite primitive in its cosmic resonance....

Couldn't agree more. I knew once it hit you, this would be 100% right up your alley. It's a JK style black metal album all the way, yet at the same time so incredibly polished it's amazing. I can't wait to continue to sink my teeth into it.

JK said:
...shame they're a bunch of rockstar wankers. :loco:

Ugh. I hate hearing that. I hope they mellow out and acquire a bit more humility or whatever down the road. The talent is there, but they need to play gigs and be accomodating in order to do so.
Well, I suppose it finally happened. Third listen and I'm pretty much floored. This band really is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to this atmospheric, near-tribal, black metal. It's very ancient sounding, quite primitive in its cosmic resonance....

...shame they're a bunch of rockstar wankers. :loco:

bold words indeed

considering all I basically listen to these days is black metal...I'm real anxious to see/hear how this matches up with some of my "other" faves in the genre/style...
bold words indeed

considering all I basically listen to these days is black metal...I'm real anxious to see/hear how this matches up with some of my "other" faves in the genre/style...

ah ok, hang on, my mistake....I'm not saying they're better than other BM bands -- although on this sophomore release (not including the awesome demos), they're becoming serious contenders -- what I mean is, WitTR have this distinct rhythmic style, trance-inducing infact, which outshines a lot of current BM artists especially in the USA.

WitTR knock the socks off bands such as Ludicra, Xasthur, Leviathan. They're not as derivative as much of european black metal (not that that's necessarily a bad thing)....they're slowly joining the elite, perhaps standing shoulder to shoulder with DsO (peaking at Circumspice) or Negura Bunget (on the strength of OM alone).

It's difficult to describe, and I know I suck at this, but I would say that the new WitTR creates a very Burzum-esque atmosphere, without necessarily sounding like yet another Burzum clone.

It's that ancient, primal sound. Songs echoing demons of the past. And all that good stuff.
WitTR have this distinct rhythmic style, trance-inducing infact, which outshines a lot of current BM artists especially in the USA.

WitTR knock the socks off bands such as Ludicra, Xasthur, Leviathan.

I wholeheartedly agree. I'd add Weakling to that list as well. Diadems outshines Dead as Dreams.
ah ok, hang on, my mistake....I'm not saying they're better than other BM bands -- although on this sophomore release (not including the awesome demos), they're becoming serious contenders -- what I mean is, WitTR have this distinct rhythmic style, trance-inducing infact, which outshines a lot of current BM artists especially in the USA.

WitTR knock the socks off bands such as Ludicra, Xasthur, Leviathan. They're not as derivative as much of european black metal (not that that's necessarily a bad thing)....they're slowly joining the elite, perhaps standing shoulder to shoulder with DsO (peaking at Circumspice) or Negura Bunget (on the strength of OM alone).

It's difficult to describe, and I know I suck at this, but I would say that the new WitTR creates a very Burzum-esque atmosphere, without necessarily sounding like yet another Burzum clone.

It's that ancient, primal sound. Songs echoing demons of the past. And all that good stuff.

cool, that makes me even more excited to hear it; I loved Diadem... so...
Hmmmm, this is actually the first Burzum-esque band that hasn't struck me as a Burzum clone, which is refreshing. Maybe I'll give their first album another go.
Fucking awesome release, I think it's a step up from Diadem... only at about 5 listens right now though.