Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters


Wolves are playing in SLC at the end of october, but its a 21+ show.

Gonna have to figure out a way in.
Well, I'm going to SF already. Not missing that lineup.

I may be able to weasel myself in to the SLC show... sent a few emails to a few people, see if they can help me in.

Would love to come to phoenix, since its with Jesu, whom I loved when I saw them with Isis a few months back.
Wherever you end up seeing them, I'm sure it will be excellent. Just saying, if your options end up strange, I fully intend to be at the nearby show myself in October.
I've listened once and all I can come up with is that it's really good. More listens to come.
I can think of a better way. I am currently on my 4th beer, leaving home to hang with Dark Tranquillity in 45 minutes.