Wolves in the Throne Room

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Who has heard this already?

I haven't, yet, but I ask becase I read this interview (linked below) from right here at Ultimate Metal a few weeks back and was intrigued with their philosophy about 'their' metal and black metal as a whole, as in why we make it, why we listen to it, where does it really come from, what it's all really about, the good, the bad and the ugly, etc... (or so was my interpretaion of the interview :) )


Today (while actually relaxing on the Canada Day Monday holiday), I read another in depth interview with WITTR in issue #31 of Unrestrained! magazine, and my interest in these guys has absolutely peaked! They seem to have such a passion for their very opinionated take on black (or 'forest') metal, built on what appears to be an intelligent and well researched foundation as to how and why they create. Refreshing!

+ FYI - Issue #31 of Unrestrained is also awesome for interviews with some 'classic' bm bands (Enslaved, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Ihsahn etc...)!!!

If you haven't already, please investigate.
That was a really interesting and very true interview. Never heard of the band before but im gonna check em out now!
Oh excellent! As you can see by my sig, I am a fan of this band. I fucking love them. Diadem of 12 Stars is in all honesty, a perfect black metal album. The first time i heard their debute full length i was absolutely blown away. It has everything i would want in a BM band... melody, emotion, aggression, atmosphere. Its not melodic black metal like dissection, its much more raw. Many compare them to Weakling (WITR's vocalist doesnt sound like he was just castrated though), and they do have a similar melodic, but simple and raw, sound to them. I would highly recommend anyone who is a fan of "Against the Seasons" (which should be everyone on this board) to get their album. Definitely album of the year for me, and quite possibly the best black metal album to be released since Against the Seasons. Get it. Now.
Great album-- apparently the demo will be reissued in the near future as well-- if I still lived in Seattle I'd be down in Portland for the upcoming Agalloch release party where Agalloch and Wolves in the Throne Room are playing.....

Also-- the newest Metal Maniacs has a BIG Wolves feature done by Nate Birk.
Very good album. Highly recomeneded.

When I first started the CD I was a bit... meh on it... But by the time I had finished it the first time I was like... "WTF WAS I THINKING?!" Its really one good album.
I really liked this statement:

"BM is about destruction, destroying your belief system – it is a cleansing fire that opens up new possibilities for thought and feeling. In many ways, it is a first step, not the alpha and omega."

Very cool interview, will check this band out for sure now.
Great band. The West Coast contains some of the best, most innovative extreme metal in the country right now: Noctuary, Asunder, Book of the Black Earth, Exhausted Prayer, Keen of the Crow, Intronaut, Ludicra, etc. My band Vex is touring over there this summer; I'm pretty sure that Wolves in the Throne Room is going to be on the Portland date.
Fucking... fuck. I've been looking for this album for a while actually. None of the places listed in the "order" section of their site have it in (not even Vendlus) so I might just email them directly to see if they have any.

Edit: Nevermind, got it, heh... I think...
Yep, I think.

I emailed the band and made a PayPal payment directly to one of the members. Haven't received any confirmation as to whether it's been sent out or not, though.
Awesome !!! One of the best black metal band at this moment ( at least for me... )
Their 2 albums are simply amazing !
Just buy a WITTR shirt - " two hunters " recently :headbang:
Now, if they can give some shows in Canada soon... That would be great !
^ At first I found Two Hunters disappointing, but it grew on me a ton, especially listening to that one song with the haunting chick vocals, on a dark rainy night, just freaked the hell out of me. I'd say its on par with the first one, if not a bit better. Its nice to see a BM band out of the US not suck, haha.
^ At first I found Two Hunters disappointing, but it grew on me a ton, especially listening to that one song with the haunting chick vocals, on a dark rainy night, just freaked the hell out of me. I'd say its on par with the first one, if not a bit better. Its nice to see a BM band out of the US not suck, haha.

Aye, at first I didn't like the first two songs, but loved the last two.

Then after a while I just loved the entire thing.

Cleansing is still my favourite song, since the chick obviously took alot of inspiration from Lisa Gerrard.