Wolves in The Throne Room

Welcome to black metal.

:lol: but WitTR go above and beyond black metal pretension. Instead of sipping wine and pausing for minutes before saying "Satan", they sit around a campfire, sip deer urine and say "nature".

Your comments are always like this

I haven't heard much from this band so correct me if I'm wrong but they seem like they aren't doing anything that ...and oceans hasn't already done.

That doesn't matter at all. If I decided to make black metal, but moved to China before officially recording anything, would that make my recordings Chinese black metal? Also, they don't have anything in common musically with the sound that the most prevalent USBM bands constituted. In any case this is completely irrelevant and a waste of time to debate. I think we can both just agree that Inquisition are totally fucking awesome.
That doesn't matter at all. If I decided to make black metal, but moved to China before officially recording anything, would that make my recordings Chinese black metal? Also, they don't have anything in common musically with the sound that the most prevalent USBM bands constituted. In any case this is completely irrelevant and a waste of time to debate. I think we can both just agree that Inquisition are totally fucking awesome.

But in fact their sound did change. And i think that sound is very american, though nothing like that shitty depressive Burzum clone sound a lot of bands have.
I am no newbie, and I can say WITTR is an excellent band that offers a ton more, sonically, than a lot of the four-track bedrooms bands that fill the pages of myspace. Their music is a lot more sincere, and the music is crafted with a great use of dynamics. Not liking them is one thing, saying that this certain band is for people new to the genre is wrong because of obvious characteristics of there sound. Plus, they are the definition of forward thinking black metal without moving to far away from the genre.


Lets start a band.
Good band. Not as mind bazoogling great as the media would have ye believe, but they are kinda relaxing to listen to, and one needs that sometimes.
I see you have skipped over our discussion of just that in favor of dropping a kvlt comment at the end of the thread. Welcome to UM! In your defense, Lord Kur's banning and subsequent post-removal does make the discussion a bit hard to follow.

Anyway, I don't really see a comparison to DT and Ildjarn making much sense, but yeah, their sound is pretty Burzum-esque. Given that modern black metal is practically all (some notables aside) played in the same style as a previous band, I don't see how that's a problem. Two Hunters is a fine, well executed piece of work. Dismissing it on that basis would be a bit like not listening to modern grindcore because Napalm Death and Carcass released albums in the 80s.

EDIT: Or in other words, what that cool cat above me said!
So, what, exactly, do these guys bring to the table that Burzum, DarkThrone and Ildjarn haven't already said with more eloquence? I mean, other than hipster indie cred?

WITTR sound nothing like Darkthrone or Ildjarn and resemble Burzum to a certain small degree. Hipster cred means nothing aside from popularity and does not affect the music. If anything I would want to take advice from a hipster who's musical interest is much larger and diverse than someone who thinks they know how black metal should be preformed and recorded.
I think some obvious influences on Wolves in the Throne Room's music are Weakling, of course, and also the guitar style of old Ulver, which one of the guys from the band talked about when my friend met them.
Weakling took some things from Burzum but were NOT a clone. They had a sound that took some things from Varg but there overall sound is something much, much different. And Ulver is NOT Darkthrone(Not DarkThrone) and had their own separate sound. By your words, almost every band past the second wave of black metal is such one big clone, and I can bring up multiple cases on which you would be eating your words. What does Graveland bring to the table that Bathory or Burzum did not? A different writing style but still based off those bands. What does Xasthur bring to the table that Burzum did not? A different writing style based off Burzum but still much different. What does Graveland bring to the table that Bathory or Burzum did not? A different writing style based off those bands but something much different. What does Nazxul bring to the table that Darkthrone did not? Again, a writing style different though similar to Darkthrone. None of these bands are clones, so why would Wolves In The Throne Room be a clone? All these bands took what there respective influences were and expanded with them. Wolves In The Throne Room has a much more dynamic and epic sound that Burzum ever did, not bashing Burzum AT ALL.
Yeah your attempts to be kvlt are cool and all, but by your argument, nothing past second wave BM is worth listening to. If that's your ideology, fine, but then I doubt you'd have much use for a forum like this, as you could just buy all the acknowledged classics and chill out.
I hope you're just attempting to troll, since you're doing a great job of being extremely wrong. The majority of bands you compared don't really sound similar.
The entire logo is in caps, dude. So by your logic, they're "DARKTHRONE."

They refer to themselves as "Darkthrone" in letters, though.

Also, our point was that bringing "new stuff to the table" isn't what measures a band's worth, and that that entire concept is absurd. Randian, in fact.