Wolves in The Throne Room


Mar 10, 2008
Ive recently become fascinated with this band and enthralled by their sound.

I found this interview very interesting. It acctualy inspired me, and reinforced alot of my own thoughts about black metal and the creative process as a whole. I have thought along many similar lines regaurding black metal/music in general but was never able to put them into words like this (mainly because ive no one to speak to of such things)

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Diadems is a third-rate ripoff of Weakling - Dead As Dreams. And if you're going to blatantly rip off an album, you should at least pick one that was good. The songwriting is so overblown and meandering, not to mention how painfully unoriginal the whole thing is. At least "Vastness and Sorrow" and "Cleansing" are pretty concise for lengthy songs, and the production improved dramatically.
two hunters vastly triumphs over DOTS.

and they came to my city, and the show was only going to be 3$, but it was at a 21+ venue.
xasthur are aight, and leviathan's latest was cool, but yeah, not exactly a lot of quality acts to pick from
I never really liked this band.....I tried Diadem and just couldn't get into it. But I heard Two Hunters was getting a lot of praise when it first came out so I downloaded it and thought it was decent, kept listening to it, and learned to love it. So I was in Athens and they had a lot of rare cd's, so I bought Two Hunters (and Lunar Strain).

I love this band now I can't get enough of em.....I also love Diadem now. This band definitely grows on you. I can't wait until they finally tour the US (and hopefully it's not all 21+ shows) :)