Santa Hat Forever
I had a good friend, she used to ditch her boyfriend just so she could stay at home watching movies with me, we hung around a lot. I fell in love with her, she kinda did but in the end nothing happened and we stopped seeing each other for a while. Fast forward a few years later, I'm with another girl, a serious 3 year relationship, but then me and my "friend" started seeing each other again, jamming together, other girl was getting jealous, I dumped the other girl and now call her "wife" instead of friend 
I had many "best friends" in my teens and early adulthood (18), I ending up trying to stick it into all of them and all failed, I always had terrible timing with that friend zone thing

I had many "best friends" in my teens and early adulthood (18), I ending up trying to stick it into all of them and all failed, I always had terrible timing with that friend zone thing