Women Talk

@M.: after seeing 6 guys going together to the sauna naked, I have to disagree
yeah but you're all foreignlike

us 'mericans are sexually repressed. i mean look at who our first settlers were. the english were all you guys suck big time, get out of here with your crazy preaching so they went to masachussetts and burned alive anyone who slightly deviated from the norm or showed their ankles in public.

I don't suppose you could use real words could you? I was kinda being serious, and I can't read your mind, my smilie interpretation abilities only extend so far.
Spike said:
I don't suppose you could use real words could you? I was kinda being serious, and I can't read your mind, my smilie interpretation abilities only extend so far.

That was my point exactly; I was surprised that you were that serious. Sorry man, I'm not here to offend anyone.
Would you two shut up and stop making a mockery of my culture.....*

Stever Irwin does that enough already. :Smug:

*Not really. Go ahead, knock yourselves out! :D
I finally get to use this....

