WOMEN: The Thread For Men!

^That proves that if you play your cards wisely you can actually become a hero to a pms-ing woman...

and get laid!
Well, after the pms-ing days and the red days that is...

The bad thing's after so many days she might have forgotten about how sensitiv and understanding you had been... Damn I'm so glad I'm a girl and I dont gotta put up with this shit! :tickled:
Heavenscent said:
I think guys have a monthly period too....only we don't experience it as physically as you women do, hehe. Seriously, every month I have a period when I'm extremly cranky, about a week......my dad has that too, but he won't admit that. It's a real pain in the ass (you can take that litterally, but that doesn't go for me :P)
Another thing on women...what's up with lipstick? 'Don't get me started on lipstick....I've tried it once or twice for fun and on acting things at school (on stage) but it's crap. It tastes horribly and is overpresent.
Also, kissing a girl wearing lipstick is PURE HORROR, YUUUUUUCK!!!!
And on their cigarette buds, glasses....man, I could go on like this forever...
i think you're right
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Sssoo... this thread is supposed to be about the Mysteries of Women?
If so, you should have started with some questions heh...

You already gave the answer to all questions in this thread on MSN :loco:
Hey everyone has deffernt tatses man i can agree cuz there are Only certian types of man i would wanna get with. some Love lots of makup some not. personally i vary from wearing alot of makup to just the basic all depends on my moods :) and Yes a good thread this is