woo, all emperor albums to be reissued

sorry, but i dont like the "raw" sound on any cd. ive heard cds that are downright painfull to listen to. burzum comes to mind. its so thin and piercing, it makes my ears bleed!

with studio technology where it is and where it has been for the past 10-15 years there is no reason to sound like that. i will give some leway for older albums because there have been some advances. but no one needs to sound like they recorded on wax like the old blues days.
anonymousnick2001 said:
'Raw' production is subjective.

My thoughts exactly.
I have the re-issued ITNE, so I dont know if its different to the original if at all. Like the guy a few posts above said, listen to Wrath for a while then go back to ITNE. The masssive reduction in fuzz should make it easier for you to listen/like.
However, as has been said the rawness adds to atmosphere. ITNE could barely be more atmospheric; compare it to anthems, the sythn on ATTAWD is too in-your-face like Dimmu. ITNE's synth and production makes it sound majestic and grand. Of course thats IMO. Those that think the production is shite have probably been reading anus.com too much (or dont like raw bm).

There is no need to re-release them or remaster them... may as well just record the whole albums again to 'fix' production.

'Raw' production isnt the reason behind the excuse of 'we had crap recording equipment'. More likely they chose to use cheaper recording equipment (Ie, latest Leviathan Album in 2003 was done on 4 track) or they used an expensive studio but still chose to overdrive their guitars (Ulver - Nattens Madrigal). Point being both wanted a similar effect, which I feel adds to rather than takes away from the music.
Ill look forward to seeing the Zyklon video... Akercocke and morbid A have vids on SCUZZ at the moment... Almost unbelievable that deathmetal vids are actually being put out there. Anyway I dont like pointless re-issues. Its not good or bad news, its mediocre news. But thanks for that knowledge Ill be sure to bare this in mind if I ever decide to buy double the amount of EMpeRor alkbums I own.
i just bought the two eps wrath of the tyrant and emperor, they are damn cool i had never seen them on cds. the production is about the same just no more CHCHCHCHCHCHCHCHC in it like in cosmic times...... i think it is a re-master thing, they said in the pamphlit they didnt want to change the sould cuz it had its "necro" sound to it... and they dindt want to change it...
The guitars are faint and indistinct, the drums are hollow and the overall sound is just horribly weak and tinny.

...To quote a review of mine.