Also, I had the same response to the last Borknagar album. His folk album. Doesn't mean I hate the entire group now, just going to pass on that album and wait for the new stuff. Like you said about getting me next time, you still have me as a fan and a supporter.
Funny you should mention Borknagar. I was actually going to use them as my example as well, for much the same point. After loving "Quintessence" and "Empiricism", I remember really anticipating the "Epic" album. After buying it and having my first few listens I remember feeling disaponted, but never did I go posting anywhere negatively about the album or the band members themselves, and insulting them because of the music they made. IMO (+ experience), albums eventually speak for themselves and all unwarranted hype does quickly level out if the music can't back it up.
Plainly, I'm still a big fan and I respect the guys in BORKNAGAR far too much to ever do that! I know they obviously care about their music and the fans (otherwise why would they even bother?) and I'm sure they always gave their best effort to each why would I dare to give them my shit if it didn't fit what I wanted? Plus, you never know what a band's real circumtsances or motivations are for for what they attempted to do or how an album turns out (maybe they are being experimental, purging some inspiration that's been long held back and delayed, trying to work under pressures of grueling schedules, looming deadlines, tight budgets...or trying to get out of their long term recording contract, etc...). "These things happen." I remember hearing an interview with the ENSLAVED guys where they talked about all the albums in their discography, totally writing off a few of them because they were ill prepared before recording, or it just didn't turn out like they wanted, the drums were played too fast (the title escapes me, the one before 'Mardraum'), etc... That must be heartbreaking for a band!
There are a few bands such as Borknagar and maybe a few others (Katatonia, Agalloch, Crowbar, Type O Negative, Amorphis, etc...) of which I am such a big fan myself that I
always look forward to thier new outputs and I know that no new album from any one of those bands could ever turn me against them, regardless how much they might change (much unlike some CRYPTOPSY fans, it seems)! I like their music, their artwork, their values, (sometimes even their humour) my own memories of the music and everything else that those bands are about, the whole package! That's what makes me a fan. That's what makes me still buy CDs and t-shirts and keeps those guys encouraged.
On a side note, BORKNAGAR's "Epic" did have a few songs that eventually 'clicked' for me. But, even after "EPIC" and the all acoustic "ORIGIN" (I never actually heard it all, I think a few of the bad early reviews threw me off

), with a new label, a refined focus and the re-addition to two old members of the band and a few years to reflect, I am so looking forward to their NEXT album, aren't you?