Woods of Ypres is a "love 'em or hate 'em" kind of band...

How do you feel about Woods of Ypres?

  • Love 'em!!! w/

    Votes: 35 97.2%
  • Hate 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
The album still hasn't sunk in for me yet, though I've only given it about two and a half listens. It's really dense, and definitely not as accessible as the other two albums, though some songs really grabbed me, I'll have to listen again soon.
I love WoY, new album is great. I don't hear the Agalloch comparisons at all, WoY sound a bit more like older Opeth stuff. BTW, David, are you still in Korea, I have a package for you.
I don't hear the Agalloch comparisons at all

There, thank you! :) I'm a big Agalloch fan of course, I just don't always fully agree with the comparisons as if we are that similar. There are many things which differentiate each band from the other.

BTW, David, are you still in Korea, I have a package for you.

Yes sir, less than 100 days left! So please send via air, if you do send. Thanks man!
I think the fact that WoY uses down to earth lyrics that deal with real life is a major turn on for many people tired of the same old "worship satan and drink the blood of a virgin" black metal. That and when i first heard "Pursuit.." I really couldn't compare anything to it. The sound was very original. Even the first album, which in my opinion was more of a traditional black metal album, had an original sound to it. I can't really describe it, but it is definitely WoY.

Quite honestly Dave, being in a "love'em or hate'em type of band is the best type of band to be in. The reason so is because the people who love your band will always be dedicated fans. These type of bands have the most dedicated fan base in all of the music world. They will always follow you.

And I promise I'll order the new album! Someday! Money is tight these days!
I can see how agalloch and woods have similar ideas behind the music, but woods take a more fast, br00tal approach to it imho. They both are original in their own ways. The lyrics really grow on you because it is really just getting from day to day instead of SATAN SATAN SATAN I HATE GOD WHEN SATAN OWNS THE WORLD I WILL BE POWERFUL AND WILL LAUGH AT YOU AND I WILL DRINK YOUR VLOOD RAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.... (damn those are some good lyrics if i say so myself :lol:) i cant find a single band that sounds anything like woods though, and if you can have a truly original sound, and a strong fanbase, that is truly a success
Some piece of shit from Canada, eh? Your first two albums were great. Your third was different, and to me, it wasn't a good sort of different. I don't listen to metal in order to hear about problems that I face in my own life such as the price of gas, living expenses, a horrible job, what have you. So, the album did nothing. In fact, it was a disappointment. Maybe my reaction to the album when I wrote that, and I do feel bad about how it's phrased, was that I expected something different and it was out of disappointment.

I'm glad I didn't buy it. Simple as. I still play your first two albums and enjoy them, but I find Woods 3 forgettable. That's the reaction of one person. Seems to me plenty of people like it, so get over what I wrote. I still have the WoY stick that was mailed to me displayed on the back window of my truck. I also still have the guitar string that was included in the mail out on my shelf, with the rest of the metal paraphanelia that I've collected over the years. So, I apologize for how the original comment was phrased and I should displayed more tact when I wrote that because you put effort into that album and I didn't take that into account. However, my feelings regarding the album haven't changed.

Then again, I'm just some piece of shit from Canada, David. Right?
Der Morgenstern: The album is awful. Considering the build up David Gold tried to generate for it and then he delivers this garbage? Wow. Way to go.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I would obviously never intentionally, knowingly lash out at a loyal supporter of ours, but a comment like that on another board certainly is confusing to me. I've obviously seen you post here before under the same name, but I didn't imagine it could be the same person. Or maybe I did. Nonetheless, it sure is a potentially destructive statement that you volunteered to post, so soon after the release of "Woods 3", as if to influence others to disregard it's value, how you've seemed to have done. I certainly didn't appreciate it. You're obviously not a piece of shit, but your comment was.

Seems to me plenty of people like it, so get over what I wrote.


At the very least, you had the luxury of downloading the album for free and listening to it before deciding not to buy it. It's too bad that you don't like the album, but it was one that we had to do and I'm proud of what we did. I have a feeling that the next series of albums will be less 'urban' and more of what you were hoping for. Thanks as always for listening, but sorry we let you down. We'll get ya next time! :kickass:
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I would obviously never intentionally, knowingly lash out at a loyal supporter of ours, but a comment like that on another board certainly is confusing to me. I've obviously seen you post here before under the same name, but I didn't imagine it could be the same person. Or maybe I did. Nonetheless, it sure is a potentially destructive statement that you volunteered to post, so soon after the release of "Woods 3", as if to influence others to disregard it's value, how you've seemed to have done. I certainly didn't appreciate it. You're obviously not a piece of shit, but your comment was.


At the very least, you had the luxury of downloading the album for free and listening to it before deciding not to buy it. It's too bad that you don't like the album, but it was one that we had to do and I'm proud of what we did. I have a feeling that the next series of albums will be less 'urban' and more of what you were hoping for. Thanks as always for listening, but sorry we let you down. We'll get ya next time! :kickass:

And I apologize for the comment. From my own POV, I don't think the comment did much since it seems that quite a few people on there love the new album and the support for the album is evidenced out here in this forum and other places I've been to. But I can see your point and yea, at the moment, making those comments, that was a piece of shit move, especially how they were phrased now that I look back on them. Complete lack of substance and a personal attack of sorts on your character. That is something I'm sorry about. When you make these types of posts, you don't seem to think of them a minute after you're done posting them so I was surprised to see it come back and somewhat bit me in the ass, lol.

Like I said though, your first two albums still get played a lot by me and I'm looking forward to your upcoming stuff. Also, I had the same response to the last Borknagar album. His folk album. Doesn't mean I hate the entire group now, just going to pass on that album and wait for the new stuff. Like you said about getting me next time, you still have me as a fan and a supporter.

I'm post-grad biochem student. I know what it's like to pour your heart into something and have people not like your work and disparage it, but that's just part of life and being human. People have different opinions. Something I've learned to deal with from the onset of my academic career. People butt heads about things, no matter what it's about.
Also, I had the same response to the last Borknagar album. His folk album. Doesn't mean I hate the entire group now, just going to pass on that album and wait for the new stuff. Like you said about getting me next time, you still have me as a fan and a supporter.

Funny you should mention Borknagar. I was actually going to use them as my example as well, for much the same point. After loving "Quintessence" and "Empiricism", I remember really anticipating the "Epic" album. After buying it and having my first few listens I remember feeling disaponted, but never did I go posting anywhere negatively about the album or the band members themselves, and insulting them because of the music they made. IMO (+ experience), albums eventually speak for themselves and all unwarranted hype does quickly level out if the music can't back it up.

Plainly, I'm still a big fan and I respect the guys in BORKNAGAR far too much to ever do that! I know they obviously care about their music and the fans (otherwise why would they even bother?) and I'm sure they always gave their best effort to each album...so why would I dare to give them my shit if it didn't fit what I wanted? Plus, you never know what a band's real circumtsances or motivations are for for what they attempted to do or how an album turns out (maybe they are being experimental, purging some inspiration that's been long held back and delayed, trying to work under pressures of grueling schedules, looming deadlines, tight budgets...or trying to get out of their long term recording contract, etc...). "These things happen." I remember hearing an interview with the ENSLAVED guys where they talked about all the albums in their discography, totally writing off a few of them because they were ill prepared before recording, or it just didn't turn out like they wanted, the drums were played too fast (the title escapes me, the one before 'Mardraum'), etc... That must be heartbreaking for a band!

There are a few bands such as Borknagar and maybe a few others (Katatonia, Agalloch, Crowbar, Type O Negative, Amorphis, etc...) of which I am such a big fan myself that I always look forward to thier new outputs and I know that no new album from any one of those bands could ever turn me against them, regardless how much they might change (much unlike some CRYPTOPSY fans, it seems)! I like their music, their artwork, their values, (sometimes even their humour) my own memories of the music and everything else that those bands are about, the whole package! That's what makes me a fan. That's what makes me still buy CDs and t-shirts and keeps those guys encouraged.

On a side note, BORKNAGAR's "Epic" did have a few songs that eventually 'clicked' for me. But, even after "EPIC" and the all acoustic "ORIGIN" (I never actually heard it all, I think a few of the bad early reviews threw me off :)), with a new label, a refined focus and the re-addition to two old members of the band and a few years to reflect, I am so looking forward to their NEXT album, aren't you? :heh:
Borknagar's Epic album must be another one of these love it or hate it albums, because it is one of my favourite cds to listen to.
Actually, since you gave me the cd way back when we were first working on Woods III, David, it has barely left my cd player, and was perfect to use as inspiration!

On the Internet, people often write things in haste, without thinking of who may see it, or how it will affect them. Words are easily misunderstood, and I'm sure that we have all said things we later regret.

All is forgiven Der Morgenstern, and I appreciate your honesty ;)
My issue with 'Origin' is that his voice started to grate at me after the first song. I don't know why because I liked his clean singing on previous albums, but in an acoustic atmosphere, his voice bugged the hell out of me. I know it sounds minor, but the album just didn't do it for me. I love acoustic music, especially folk, but this just didn't seem to work. Plus, the production to me sounds somewhat sloppy. I remember Oystein Brun stated that the Origin album was supposed to express an epic and progressive apsect of the band, but how the hell does playing what are essentially typical Borknagar songs on acoustic guitars going to display in terms of a progressive sound? Was that the progressive part? The acoustic guitars? I just didn't get it.

What's funny is that, on the other hand, I really enjoy Green Carnation - 'Acoustic Verses' and to some people, that album is very, very similar to 'Origin' so maybe it's just down to the mood you're in when you first listen to an album. I just don't know.

In regards to 'Epic', I thought it was decent album and I've played it quite a few times, but it's not one that I get into a lot. I do, however, have incredibly high hopes for the new album and expect it to be tremendous. Hope it works out.

I would recommend a French band called Artefact who I believe have a similar style Borknagar but still retain a fair amount of originality in their work, just like Borknagar. You guys should check them out.
When one takes criticism too seriously, one loses touch with their art.
Put it this way: You know your album isn't shit. Why does it matter if some people don't like it? Like honestly, this album did amazingly well. And an album that does that well cannot be shit. It is just that, as something gets more and more popular, it is exposed to more and more people, so if 10 people listened to Woods of Ypres in the beginning, and 9 people liked what they heard and one person thought you sounded like ass, then by the time one million people have heard it, there are going to be (I suck at math so...) a lot of people who don't like it. It doesn't matter, it's just how things are. It is best to listen to what those people have to say -- maybe they've touched on something that could be improved in the future -- but take it with a grain of salt and not get offended over it, because a lot of people are just assholes when it comes to things that don't appeal to them. (Probably because they don't realize that the person who made this music has the Internet too... Like, I doubt they'd say it to your face. )

And I guess everything is cool now, but I just felt like throwing in my two cents. Maybe I shouldn't be posting this, but we'll see how it goes. :loco:
WOY is a band that I as an old school metal guy shouldn't really enjoy. But I do. Not all the time but when the mood kicks in the music delivers in a big way.