WOODS OF YPRES November Tour w/ Wolven Ancestry!

Update: After Heathen Crusade III, we played Winnipeg @ Ozzy's for the first time ever...AND IT SUCKED!!! Except for a few cool people we met of course! :) Turnout could have been better, but we still gave it 100% on stage. Afterwards, we got drive through Burger King, being our best and only food option being open at that hour, sedated ourselves with beer and slept on the floor of a really sleezy motel...

We played Thunder Bay last night and it was pretty cool, + connected with some new friends as well as reconnected with some old ones. Good times overall! + Lots of hot metal chicks in attendance right up front for the WoY set! N-ice! \w/ :)

We packed up and started driving from T.Bay to SSM last night...we were within 20 minutes of getting home when one of our trailer's tires took a shit! Very luckily, our guys noticed this before it got any worse! In SSM now, getting a new trailer arranged and hitting the road for Sudbury tonight!

The tour is hard, and good! :kickass:

4 down, 5 more cities to be destroyed: Sudbury, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor!!!

DG - \w/

+ we have MERCH, MERCH, MERCH! This tour has been expensive, so please help us out by buying some WOODS swag if you can. Thx!
Just an update for you Woods fans - picked up the U-Haul and soon making way to Sudbury!!! Hope to see you guys out there!
Too bad about Winnipeg ( I was there though!). Sunday night is pretty much death for a band here. I honestly didn't even know that Ozzy's still existed (and I work about a block away from it). To Woods credit, they played as if there were a thousand people there. I made sure to say thanks to David for that. Ups and downs come with the job I guess. I'll gladly buy some merch when it is available. The video posted above was filmed by me. There are 3 others as well and 3 from Wolven Ancestry (never heard of them before but they were awesome!).

David was very awesome at the crusade... Very professional and looks out for his band mates. Great Job David at the Crusade. Hope to see you soon. :rock:
Amazing video! My thoughts while watching it, in this order:

1) DG, your vocals own the original (mainly the harsh since they're so different, much prefer em)
2) E-Mad is sounding pretty awesome back there
3) This 3 guitar attack is wicked
4) Holy shit awesome backing vocals from Lee
5) Piano interluuuuuuuude, AMAZING!

So sad I can't come see you guys, it sounds fantastic, hope you guys are having fun!
WOODS and WOLVEN destroyed Cafe Chaos in Montreal last night...then the afterparty destoyed us all!!! + Then I slept on a pool table, so now I can say that Ive done that.


Now leaving for the Nationès Capitol: Ottawa!

Friday 21 November 2008 at 7:30pm

The New Bayou
1077 Bank Street
Ottawa K1S 3W9

See you there!!!


DG - àwé
All these videos are fantastic, you guys sound golden, honestly! Can't get enough of Lee's backing vocals, I know where all the double vocal parts are on the normal songs since I've heard them so many times, and every time I expect them, so when Lee comes in with em, its just like OH HELL YES, lol. Sweet guys.