Woooo! First two Sound of the Underground tour dates!

I'm pretty frustrated. I have the opportunity to buy tix for this tour as it seems now that they are coming to LA after all although it looks like they are playing in a parking lot here as well. That is not my point of frustration as I would watch Opeth play in a land fill if I had to, but more the big scene with the type of crowd and length of set... I'm frustrated that I don't know if they are coming back for a headlining tour where I can "Really" see Opeth. The SOTU is on a Friday starting at noon. "Yeah boss.... and wife.... I'm going to blow off work today to stand in a parking lot with a bunch of sweaty kids.." I'm sure that would go over like a fart in church.... which I could handle mind you if I HAD to... but I wouldn't dream of it if I knew for sure that they were coming back to do a real Opeth tour later in the year... but I guess I said that already. Ok, venting over :erk:

Thanks for "Listening"..
