Worcester, MA show

I will definately be there. I will wear my "Black Serenity" hat, and a Pink Floyd-the Wall shirt. This is for two reasons. One, to stand out a little, and two, because I don't feel like doing any laundry and all my metal shirts are in the friggin hamper. Mostly because reason number two though. :lol:

Although, I may arive early, so perhaps my Jackson Guitars pullover as well.....
ill be at the palladium
ill be the scary-hot chick wearing all black (or maybe im lying and ill go with blue jeans), dark hair, silver cross and bracelets. undecided as to what metal shirt i will be wearing -- either bloodlet or lifeless records because these are the two "hottest" that i own. feel free to talk to me. even though i am intimidatingly sexy, im quite down to earth and nice, sortof.
c y'all there
Are there going to be any older people at the Worcester show (like 30 and older?) It seems like everyone on this board is a teeny bopper or in their early 20s. Any older people like 32+? WTF?
Originally posted by ddicosmo
Are there going to be any older people at the Worcester show (like 30 and older?) It seems like everyone on this board is a teeny bopper or in their early 20s. Any older people like 32+? WTF?

I'm 25, that's old enough. What's age got to do with anything, anyhow, other than being able to say, "See you at the bar"?

Originally posted by ddicosmo
Are there going to be any older people at the Worcester show (like 30 and older?) It seems like everyone on this board is a teeny bopper or in their early 20s. Any older people like 32+? WTF?

42 - and damn proud of it!!!!

And as I stated before, I'll be dragging my teenybopper 19 and 17 year old kids along too!!
dudez how awesome was this? i didnt meet any of you though. damn, i got soooooo happy when they played godheads lament. also an awesome surprise to walk in as beyond the embrace was starting -- i LOVE that band. everyone here who has not heard them should do themselves a favor and check them out. they are "up and coming".

Originally posted by BigFakeSmile
dudez how awesome was this? i didnt meet any of you though. damn, i got soooooo happy when they played godheads lament. also an awesome surprise to walk in as beyond the embrace was starting -- i LOVE that band. everyone here who has not heard them should do themselves a favor and check them out. they are "up and coming".


Agreed. It was fucking nuts. I was NOT expecting them...

But Tapping the Vein SUCK-DIDDLY-UCKED. What the hell was with the drum machine? Too poor to hire a drummer? Or did they WANT to sound techno-ish?

Of course, Beyond the Embrace and Opeth MORE than made up for Tapping the Vein's suckage and Paradise Lost sticking to new material.
Socializing during the opening bands is teh win, its like background music goin while I mack it to hot metal chicks. BiggethFaketh of the Smileth, you should drive down to the NYC show, so I can give you a 3 min massage...:p ;)
Rats! I wasn't planning on her saying yes...*Thornie tries to think of a way out of this realizing he has no extra tixx* hey LargeFalseGrin! Look over there its a transvestite!! *points, and runs away, leaving a Thornie shaped cloud of dust, and a letter that reads: BFS, you will be mine, oh yes, you WILL BE MINE, well not really, but I thought I'd attempt to be somewhat mysteriously romantic, but I failed. This message will self destruct in 3 mins and 37 secs.*

its gay as hell that i didnt buy tix for tomorow too, but i anticipated being employed by now, which hasnt happened. TOS, you UM flirt... maybe i will actually meet you at that novembers doom show!

omigod, speaking of transvestites, i go to this goth nite sometimes, and there are totally trannies there!