Word salad

I read somewhere that it would be confusing to have artists called Dag and Dan Swanö running around. People might have assumed "Dag" was just a misspelling of Dan, or the otherway around. That's the explanation I recall reading on the old Swanö site.
Originally it was a joke-artistname, a rip-off on
"Joey Tempest" and "Kee Marcello" and stuff in the -80: a anti-artist name because it means nothing. Then i kept it to avoid confusion with Dan ( whose real name is Dan-Erland by the way )
Hehe, I know what you mean "Tom"... I had a short period when I went by the name "Tony Tumba". I never actually produced anything under this name though. Maybe one day I will, but I doubt it will be "metal"... more likely to be punkrock or something ;)