Words that Go Unspoken

The guitar sound came from a Mesa Triaxis pre-amp, Mesa power amp into a Marshall 4x12, mic'd with a good old 57.


Great album both music wise and soundwise. I specifically like the bass sound and how it mixes in with the guitars. Is there any chance you could provide us with any info on what was used and how it was treated in the mix :).
The bass was a Rickenbacker 4001.
I can't remember what amp/cab/mic combo I used but it's immaterial as we discarded those tracks and used the clean DI I had recorded.
Neil re-amped through an SVT for the clean sound and a Dual Rectifier for the distorted parts. I remotely recall a D110 on the SVT and a 57 on the Mesa cab although I have probably remembered this wrong as I was pretty jetlagged.
The real wizadry was in NK's compression, EQ and placement in the mix.

Thanks alot for the info. I really think it turned into one of the best bass sounds on an extreme metal album combined with some great playing and songwriting.
Wow, very interesting to find this on a random, and might I add very out of the ordinary for me, wandering about the UM.com forums. I'm currently tracking a US black metal band's first full-length for release on Trendkill and they told me to check out this album for production ideas (sonically). I had no idea you mixed it sir. Very well done I must say, I don't think I'll be able to match it but hopefully I'll get a little close :) However, I already told them that they should focus on how they should sound instead of trying to mimic Akercocke...some musicians just don't understand though.
