
John and Bjorn work in the porn industry, their latest film was called "She noticed me". Nathan sells lemonade outside a girls catholic school. Mark fronts a poppunk band, on bass and vocals. And andy beats shit up.
Student at the moment. Summer job will be at the WEgmans warehouse (huge grocery store chain in New York and some surrounding areas)
I sit on my ass? I think not. I work for a world leader company called Avid that deals with audio video technolgy worldwide here in Phoenix. I do customer service, and mantaince to whatever comes in or ships out of audio/video digital equipment. I dont think I could have gotten the job without the help of my Father who works with that kinda of stuff at the college he works for. I dont work that many hours, but it does pay decent, trying work my way up to retail, but cant do that without deadicating my life to that shit, I rather tour than do that. Im saving up for car expenses/and guitar stuff for the future. Along side that I try and find time to promote the band, practice guitar, and sleep.
So you guys flip burgers and maintain world leaders. That's a wide range of work. Do world leaders need special parts? Extra small brains, exeptionally big mouths? Or do you just do the burger flippin' thing and fry them a little and then ship them off to the next UN meeting? Or am I just tired and should be sleeping instead of doing this??? Yes, that's probably it.