
Trust me, Chili's is the gayest job. The only good thing about it is that once I get back from tour, I still have a job. Its hard to try and maintain normal home life, and be in a touring band. We are managing, but its definitely a struggle. I can't get a "real" job either, because I would have to leave for tours. The flexibility is what I need right now. Sooner or later, I'll need to get a good job. Death metal doesn't pay the bills!!!
Yeah I should be in college right now, already had about 2 years of it, need to finish up the next 2 years worth of it. Good luck with your career, I plan on going into something with Audio/Video Tech with business mixed within it. That Atlanta show was supposed to be our Kataklysm tour but that tour got cancelled.
You and Kataklysm would be a dream tour... Also, do you all work at the same chilis... They dont have a problem you all taking leave at the same time?