Workflow incorporating slate plugins


Jan 24, 2012
Curious to how slate VMR, vcc, etc. has changed your workflow. For example I love the idea of just using the mix rack but for me it more of an enhancement then for surgical or repairs. What are you guys doing who dealing with less than stellar tracks to start with? Are you still putting vcc first in plugin chain? Or are you doing repair eq etc. before applying vcc and vmr. This doesn't only pertain to slate plugins, just when I see most people doing mixing tutorials it's always with mix ready tracks and in my world tracks generally need a little love before enhancement. Hope this question makes sense.
I know you don't want that type of answer but you need to do what you have to do to make the tracks usable. Nothing will really fix poorly recorded tracks. You can make damage control but no plugins will produce miracles. Slate plugins are no different in that regard. They only get you a bit closer to analog hardware which isn't magical either.
Im not saying im working with horrible tracks. Im simply saying that everyone says they use vcc first in plugin chain. what if the track needs some love? i appreciate the do what sounds good answer, which i knew i would get but i thought we could discuss workflow. Ive done it all kinds of ways i just see so many mixing tutorials that dont seem like real world scenarios.
I think you mean signal flow/gain staging right?

I typically use VCC after fader to emulate what a real console would do, but I sometimes use another instance pre-fader if I feel the track need more density, preferably first in the chain in that case. On mix busses and master, I'll put VCC after fader. Same for VTM.

If you want to emulate a real analog recording chain it would probably go like this:
Channel---VCC -maybe some VMR -, VTM , VMR, VCC--->Group VMR-VMB--->Master VBC/VMR-VMB-VTM

I personally think it's overkill.