Trying to work on a recording tone. Seems as if most tracks I record come up extremely muddy even without mids or much bass on the amp. I'm using an SM57 not far from the speaker (pic below). Any tips on how I can improve the quality of my tone when recording would be much appreciated. I've put two different tracks below, one single raw track and double-tracked raw.
Signal Chain: ESP Eclipse (EMG 81/85) -> TS9 -> Krank Krankenstein -> Krankenstein 4x12
Single Raw Track:
Double Raw Track:
Also worth mention I suppose is I use the SM57 going into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2.
Signal Chain: ESP Eclipse (EMG 81/85) -> TS9 -> Krank Krankenstein -> Krankenstein 4x12
Single Raw Track:
Double Raw Track:
Also worth mention I suppose is I use the SM57 going into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2.