Working out effect shredding?


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
I just started working out again and I'm wondering that if i lift for a long time, will it eventually slow down my shredding? Will it make my hands to bulky for the speed I want? Or are there other problems that I'm not aware of? Thnx.
Ok, I wouldn't know too much about this.
But, for what it's worth, I do know that John Petrucci likes to work out a lot, and it doesn't seem to have done him any harm.
I'd guess you just have to use common sense and don't start lifting weights that have crappy and rough bars to grip them with, and just generally taking care of what you're doing.
Also look out for things that would induce RSI or that will cause inflamation. After all, if you are consistently putting yourself out of guitar playing action for a while, your development would be slow and maybe even impeded.
Yeah I was noticing my forearms hurting more after I work out so I take it easy on them when I shred. I'll keep my eye out on anything else bothering me or keeping me from playing at my best.

I could just work out on days that I dont practice. hmmm
Yeah, I guess that'd be a sensible thing to do.

I don't know anything about working out, but isn't the basic premise that you work out, do damage to your muscles, and then they rebuild, and actually rebuild at a more aggressive rate, developing the muscle more?
I suppose you need to leave as big a gap between the "recovery period" and practicing as possible.
Yeah, Im probably gonna work out 2 or 3 times a week, and space in my shredding before I work out. I also found out that after I run I spend more time writing music. Crazy stuff.
If its any consolation George Lynch used to be a small tiny guy back in the day but buffed out marginaly, He still shreds the same as he did then and hes in perfect shape, I dont think it effected his hands at all.