Question for guitarists..

Putting what's in my head onto the guitar.

That sums it up nicely, and it's THE challenge to me, really.

Guitar is pretty interesting... I've always considered myself a drummer first, a guitarist a very distant second insofar as what comes naturally to me... I really have to work at even the remotest of proficiency at it. I think that I'm a better rhythm player than lead (which isn't saying much at all), and also think I"m a better acoustic / fingerpick sort of player than electric.

Frankly, I'd give quite a bit to be a better piano player than guitarist at this point... to me its simply a stronger music-writing instrument in a lot of ways (you sort of stop thinking in 'riffs' and start thinking in 'how does this move or evolve' sorta). Obviously, you're dealing with a linearity that guitar does not have, especially when you start messing with alternate tunings.

My Ibanez has been pretty quiet lately.... every time I reach for it, I wind up playing a lot of the same old shit, and putting it back down. Maybe that will change in the near future.
i think most guitarists have been there.
all you have to do is keep playing then stop for a couple of weeks. or until you cant stand it and try some new stuff, that shuold see you playing better than ever.