Dimebag - Possibly the best of the classic metal guitarists. His shining moment to me is Cemetary Gates

Adam Jones - What can I say that wasnt already said? His shining moment is Lateralus the song

Mikeal Akerfeldt - Progressive's Madman. His riffs go with his lyrics like bread and butter. Shining moment Demon Of The Fall and Credence

David Gilmour - The epitomy of melodic and feel good riffs and an all around great person. Shining moments Comfortably Numb.

hmmm I can only think of 4 right now I will add my 5th later/
David Gilmour - Brings heaven down to Earth
Jerry Garcia - Shows by silence mixed with a few tweaks here and there that a musician should be reserved and embrace silence as much as sound
Jeff Buckley - My inspiration for writing my own music back in the day
Elliott Smith - Melancholic master
Dimebag - My favourite Shredder, well maybe after the TMNT character