As we all evolve, our tastes change, as of the present time, here are my top picks:
1. Paul Gilbert (for dead nuts accuracy and speed)
2. Al DiMeola (for fucked up timing and left hand picking style)
3. Jeff Loomis (for making me buy a 7String, and riffage)
4. John5 (for variety of styles all packed into one freak)
5. Tommy Emmanuel (for acoustic guitar style and not afraid to use it as a drum)
Hard to mention only 5, so I'll tamper with the rules a little...

Andy Latimer: Surprised? Well, he just has "it"...the whole essence of a tasteful rock guitarplayer. Nice tone...correction...godly tone!

Ritchie Blackmore: When he leans his head to the side, you know there's magic coming. I also like how he plays for shows...he's doing things with the guitar, like moving the pick up switch back and forth, for no apparent reason other than to...what I show off and make it "look" good.

Jackson C Frank/Bert Jansch/Nick Drake: Three similar players out of which Frank was the first. Lovely fingerpicked open tunings that is unmatched to this day. If it wasn't for the first two players there'd be no magic in Jimmy Pages playing and riff making. Nick Drake is often overlooked as a guitarist, everybody knows his songs are pure untouched beauty, but his playing was stellar too!

Jerry Donahue: He's probably done a lot more that kills the competition, but his solo on the first song from the Fotheringay Lp just sold it to me. Insanely tasteful.

Yngwie Malmsteen: Has to be mentioned. I think he's gotten a bit stale in later years but his talent cannot be denied when listening to the title track on "Marching out". Every guitarplayer I've ever mentioned this too has agreed and been like..."Yep, fuck man...I know, it's insane!"

Robert Fripp/Trey Azagthoth: Wierd to mention them together probably. They are similar to me's just sick and untouchable in it's own little world.

Eddie Van Halen: I'd never even try and pick something out. You simpy can't overtstate his genius! And fucking awesome rhythm player too!

Wes Montgomery: If you need some down to the earth "feel", you need to go no further.

Django Reinhardt: With 2 working fingers it just cannot be true....with 5 working fingers it's just not....true! His violin player deserves credit too!

Jimi Hendrix: Yeah....he just made the whole guitar thing move forward a few steps and the world of music and guitarplaying is better off because of him.

David Gilmour: Everybody likes him and so do I!

Mark Knopfler: They say only ice hockey players listen to Dire Straits....not true! The solo in "Brothers in arms" alone is just spine chilling to no end!

Toni Iommi: Underrated in some wierd way. I mean everybody loves him, but moreso for fucking "Paranoid" than stuff that really shook the earth. The solo in "Planet Caravan"...I mean, come the fuck on! The ending solo in "Symptom...." are you joking??? That's insane!

Anders Rexbo: He was a older friend of mine who died years ago, but he taught me some very nice tricks. I know he did some session work and all, but I have no idea if he got stuff recorded. Either way, he was fucking insane. We used to say, when he played guitar, the clocks stopped!

Reine Fiske: I've been a fan and a friend of his for years. I bought the Landberk records as they came out and immediately fell in "love" with his playing. He's a wonderful and completely unique player....I tell him all the time and he goes..."Well, if it wasn't for Kenny Håkansson...blah, blah"...truly...he's one of the best guitarists in the world today. And I mean that in the most sincere way...once you "understand" him and his playing it's just're's religion! I've invited him to guest on the next record...he said we'll see.

There's so many great ones, but these are some of my faves. And one of the worst in my opinion....CC Deville! Ugh!!! Never liked Poison either even though I'm a self professed cock rocker.

Yep, had some free time on my hands....back to work!
Bwahahaha, CC Deville...I always thought of Poison as a joke...

In no particular order...

Ritchie Blackmore
Steve Morse
David Gilmour
Jimmy Page
Andres Segovia

Mikael mentioned Nick Drake. I never thought of him as a "great" guitarist, but he did have a unique, extremely cool style.
1. Jimi Hendrix - he has the best riffs ever. Although i`m not from that generation or is he metal, but he inspires. Shining moment - Woodstock festival
2. Mike Akerfeld - riffs and melodies are just awsome and no matter the mood - his melodies fit any time. Shining moment - Blackwatter park, Damination (Acoustic), Ghost reveries (Atonement for example)
3. Chuck Schuldiner - His riffs although aggressive, are just inspiring in any case. Shining moment - Mid-Late career (Death`s progressive death metal era).
4. Eric Clapton - The modern-day super artist. He plays more of a blues-rock styled music, but he has such awesome melodies, that i doubt many can repeat (Although currently the only closest artists are Mike and Jimi), but the soft sound threw him of nr.1) Shining moment - 80s
5. Kurt Cobain - He just gave me a new understanding in music, and made me realize, that there is more to music, than metal. Although he is not as talented as other mentioned artists, he was very influential to my music taste, so kudos to that. Shining moment - Unplugged live.
Flam me for my non-metal taste in guitarists, but thats what i think is awesome.
Steve Vai (Master Of The Instrument)
Richie Blackmore (Wizard)
John Petrucci (IMO the most versatile player)
Mikael Akerfeldt (Versatile, creative, unique, atmospheric)
Dave Mustaine (THE riffmaster)

Special mention to

Michael Amott
David Gilmour
Tom Morello
Zakk Wylde
Alex Lifeson
John Petrucci (He can pretty much play anything. There is something about his solos that has the edge over other guitarists to me.)
Joe Satriani (He's incredible. He knows how to blend everything perfectly)
Mikael Akerfeldt (I love his acoustic work. And he is very creative.)
Yngwie Malmsteen (Neo-classical ftw)
Michael Romeo (He makes very complicated solos seem so easy.)
1. John Petrucci
2. Michael Romeo
3. Yngwie Malmsteen
4. Joe Satriani
5. Allan Holdsworth
SHIT OPINION except Holdsworth and Satriani I'd say. Otherwise I'm not a big fan of wankery much anymore. I'd replace my old top 5 with:

1. Alex Lifeson: He's Alex Lifeson ffs, I don't think there needs to be an explanation.
2. Fredrik Thordendal: I'm a huge fan of weird, off-the wall guitar playing, and this guy manages to do it without mindlessly shredding and even incorporates a lot of jazzy solos.
3. Frank Zappa: Like Lifeson, I really don't think he needs an explanation.
4. Mike: As trendy as it may be on this forum, he is still a unique guitarist and I haven't heard anyone like him so far.
5. I'll keep Holdsworth.
Shines - My Arms, Your Hearse

Jeff Loomis
Shines - Precognition/42417/The Learning

Jimi Hendrix
Shines - Everything, but I love Red House, Castles Made of Sand, and the Woodstock performance

Ron Jarzombek
Is incredible, and everyone in this thread needs to hop over to the UM Spastic Ink forum and get educated there, or . Really interesting ideas.
Shines - Ink Compatible

Ritchie Blackmore
Shines - Machine Head

Tony Iommi
I love what Mike said about him earlier.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6386611 said:
Toni Iommi: Underrated in some wierd way. I mean everybody loves him, but moreso for fucking "Paranoid" than stuff that really shook the earth. The solo in "Planet Caravan"...I mean, come the fuck on! The ending solo in "Symptom...." are you joking??? That's insane!
He may not REALLY be in my top 5, but he certainly has his moments.
Shines - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath holds the most of those moments.

Dave Murray/Adrian Smith/Steve Harris
Great 98% of the time.
Shines - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

John Petrucci
Agggh... See, this guy has his moments as well. I hate the songs that are simply framework for shredding. I love the songs that are SOOONNNGGS.
Shines - A Change of Seasons.

That guy I'm forgetting about
He's the best
Shines - My favorite album, probably.
SHIT OPINION except Holdsworth and Satriani I'd say. Otherwise I'm not a big fan of wankery much anymore. I'd replace my old top 5 with:

1. Alex Lifeson: He's Alex Lifeson ffs, I don't think there needs to be an explanation.
2. Fredrik Thordendal: I'm a huge fan of weird, off-the wall guitar playing, and this guy manages to do it without mindlessly shredding and even incorporates a lot of jazzy solos.
3. Frank Zappa: Like Lifeson, I really don't think he needs an explanation.
4. Mike: As trendy as it may be on this forum, he is still a unique guitarist and I haven't heard anyone like him so far.
5. I'll keep Holdsworth.

HA yea my opinions have changed hard out since I created this thread too