I'm miles and miles away
I no particular order...
Peter Lindgren
Denis "Piggy" D'amour
Adam Jones
Gregor MacKintosh
Billy Gibbons
Peter Lindgren
Denis "Piggy" D'amour
Adam Jones
Gregor MacKintosh
Billy Gibbons
MixGrafix said:CORRECTION!!!! Bobby Jarzombek is one of the best metal drummers ever (click on here to see video... the man is SIIIIICCCKK, and his brother Ron Jarzombek is the guitar player. Truly one of the most underrated guitarists ever.
Tribal Tech is AMAZING.ironbeard said:I don't know how I forgot this guy, maybe spending too mush time with "Mother Nature." Who gives a fuck, any way Scott Henderson is an absolute maniac. Disc's are Tore down House, Dog Party and there is a "live" one(forget the name) Check out his work with Tribal Tech--fusion band. Peace.
illidurit said:hendrix, page, zappa, latimer, lifeson, end of thread
also lmao @ all the adam jones mentions