Working with brothers


Aug 13, 2002
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Just curious Troy and/or Jay, how is it working with each other? do you guys agree on the same things? do you guys argue about things?

and who is the more outspoken one..the leader per say :err: ?

Well we are no longer a band i'm sad to say Jon. Troy took our advanced money and lost it all on Craps in Vegas. The ass convinced us all he could atleat double it, I hope Ken will be ok with this LOL!!!! Ok, for real this time. We get along great and working together completes the vibe we strive for. We don't agree all the time, there are plenty of time where the band laughs (and Gets a bit worried at times) when Troy and I get in these yelling-matches we have. We can be yelling at each other like crazy in the practice room but as soon as we are out of there we say,hey man you want to get a bite to eat. The only time we are fighting is during the writting process but it makes us better to come up with the goods. We are best friends and have alot of the same intrest but at the sametime very different. But what the great thing is we help each other, when he's weak i'm stong and when i'm weak he's strong. This was a big deal when dealing with labels for us. When we are playing music and Troy has a smile and I have smile, we know we caught the vibe we wanted to achieve. I hope this answers it for you man. Thanks for the question.

Speaking from someone who has actually witnessed several, of the screaming matches as Jay has described, I would totaly say that Troy is the one who likes to start shit the most. I used to bust up laughing at how Troy would try to piss Jay off. Funny shit. But I totaly agree Troy and Jay get along more like best friends. They have their moments. Never forget the time I almost saw them get in a fist fight in my friends courtyard cause Jay pulled a sticker off of Troys truck. That was crazy. Too many stories to tell. Have witnessed some of the arguments while they were rehearsing and then after practice was over we would all head out to eat. Great times!!

Bob "Buddah"
You want more stories well here are more stories!
If you ever wanna see Jay and Tro fight get them betting against each other. Oh man. Me and another buddy Nate used to always have betting rings with the brothers. We would either go bowling, play sega hockey, miniature golf, or other shit. Somehow it always ended up as me and Troy being a team and we got our asses kicked alot. Things used to get heated cause Troy refused to loose. Man those days playing Sega Hockey were intense. Jay and Troy would go at it for hours. Again me and Troy always seemed to get the short end of the stick on that one. There is only one story that wasn't very fun, the 4 of us used to play Roller Hockey and I almost got into an actual fist fight with Jay, I think that was the only time me and one of the twins ever got pissed at each other, and again right after the game we were cool. Man I could go on and on. I sure miss those days.

Bob "Buddah"
YOU GOT ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING..dishing out the dirt!!!!!!!!!! haha
its always cool to hear what goes on behind the scenes.
