Working with Pro Tools.


New Metal Member
May 2, 2014
Hey Guys! i'm new at this forum, so let me know if i'm doing something wrong and stuff like that haha, here we go!

I started to using Pro Tools Express, which came with my M-Track Plus, but no matter how i try i can't hear any sound from the pro tools :erk: The program seems to recognize the guitars and stuff but when i record something i can't hear anything, even with the monitoring mode of pro tools. With cubase 5 there's no problems but no matter how i set the configuration, it doesnt work with pro tools. Any help would be appreciated :grin: Thanks a lot and excuse my english haha it's not my native tongue.
As it turns out, the answer to his protools question isn't reaper.
I haven't used the express version but typically any issues with i/o in protools involve either selecting the correct playback engine and making sure there is no wackiness in the i/o setup.
As it turns out, the answer to his protools question isn't reaper.
I haven't used the express version but typically any issues with i/o in protools involve either selecting the correct playback engine and making sure there is no wackiness in the i/o setup.

I'm starting to think that! I tried recording a riff last night but as i explained above, the program recognize the guitar, even the guitar was recorded but i'm having troubles to hear the track. The funny thing its that the only thing i can hear from the daw its the metronome lol
you might try going to i/o setup and resetting it to the default configuration. there might also be something that is not set up right in the software for the m audio. also make sure the output of your track is set to "output 1/2" which is the default main output in pt.
Right now i imported some tracks from Ola Englund's tracks for mixing practice and the program not only recognize the tracks, it also playback all these tracks! So i guess that all seems to work fine with it but i still get troubles to playback something I recorded :u-huh: Avid being troll haha
I the I/O Setup check the default output for the new tracks. As mentioned, they must be Output 1/2 for both Stereo and Single tracks.
Sometimes it'll be a bit odd and not playback tracks that are armed. Try making sure they're unarmed, and see if it'll playback then [after making sure playback enginer and i/o are in order first]
Thanks Guys! I Solved the problem :D it was the output 1/2 thing. My Pro Tools express is in spanish so i had to figuring out what is I/O lol in spanish is E/S But anyway, thanks a lot for all the support! :D