World Record attempt - Update.

Well, I'm glad it wasn't a complete waste of time - at least they did break the record, so I suppose all's well that ends well :)

Well said sam, i agree, its a shame this event generated such negativity the way it did here, although i understand why it seemed like a bad idea..It has as you said ended well !

oh dear
if they really wanted to break the " record " why not do it at download in the summer
this idea is really off its tits
Probably because the knobheads that organise download would'nt book Saxon unless they were The sort of shite that Kerrang calls Metal these days.they seem to forget it was bands like Saxon that got them where they are today,and they can still blow the majority of them off stage.I hope they get good billing on the Monsters of Rock this year with Heaven and Hell,that would be cool.If they want to raise thier profile in this country they need to play some festival dates.
its a shame this event generated such negativity the way it did here, although i understand why it seemed like a bad idea..It has as you said ended well !:kickass:

I know - I didn't really see it as a negative thing myself, in fact, I thought it would be a good laugh, and if I'd been there, I'd have definitely joined in! :) That sort of thing appeals to my sense of humour - but, of course, I'd rather people laugh with Saxon than laugh at them...which is where other people's worries came into play, I think.
Was talking to a bloke at work today who is a Sunderland supporter and was at the game. He said basically the lads came out and starting miming, and went to different parts of the grounds to get people to join in, but virtuallly no one joined in.

It is all good for a laugh, so long as it doesn't come back to haunt Saxon, ie, the channel 4 documentary. As Sammi said, it's ok for people to be having a laugh with Saxon. But we don't want them laughing AT Saxon.

Something that occurred to me the other day. I don't exactly want to be walking around Sheffield on Friday/Saturday wearing a Saxon t shirt and have people pointing and laughing at me thanks to this air guitar thing!
Its publicity..even bad publicity is publicity, somebody else mentioned it somewhere..that is true...I always look at the content and that is in good hands wit a band like Saxon! Of course im not the kind of trends and fashion, I leave that to others..It seems to be nesecarry..
Why don't they leave football fans alone! As much as I like Saxon I wouldn't have wanted this at my team. It's bad enough having to put up with Robbie Williams impersonators and fat birds in cheerleaders outfits without this sort of gimmick. STOP IT!
fat birds in cheerleaders outfits

Damn! I just knew someone off here would see me!! :lol:

Seriously though - I know what you mean...which numb nut thought it would be good to do it at a footy match, I dunno - obviously it would have been much more appropriate at a music gig of some sort! I suppose with the gig being in Sheffield, and that match being the weekend before, they put two and two together and thought it was a good way to inform local people - which, in theory, it was! Clearly, it went down like a lead balloon :(