World War IV: US v Arab World

It amazes me to find that people still do not realize that the United States is a /republic/ as opposed to a pure Democracy. Quite bluntly, the popular vote does not matter, and has never mattered (this is a good thing, btw). I am no fan of Bush or Gore... but Bush was properly elected.
Well, not really. Even if you discount the overall popular vote, they stopped counting in Florida. We really don't know who won since they stopped the counting, but it looked like Gore would have won a fair and full count in Florida. Then he would have won by electoral votes.
Exactly. I've been saying he'd only use them in self defense, and he didn't even do that.

Of course, the polls say we don't care if they find WMD in Iraq anymore.

You have to admit, that's quite an impressive job of manipulating people by our gov't.