Worship music still being recorded


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Scott's Twitter just now:

"I missed half time because I was recording Fight'em Til You Can't for the new Anthrax record. Take that half time! #fb"
Anthrax's twitter said they just went in to rerecord a few things, though. So I'm guessing it's just Scott being picky since they said that musically, it was done.
Scott Ian is a little tiny short man with a syndrome. I know nobody wants to admit it. But this guy is the only reason this album is taking so long and he is the only reason this band has never lived up to their potential. He is a short little bitch who has ruined this band. Unfortunately he is the only recognizable person in the band and has 'power. If he didn't hold any power in this band they would be much better off. I really am starting to hate this guy so much that watching him bounce around on the stage is making me sick. I hope he is happy with his emo friends in fallout boy. And its funny... if he wants to contact me personally and call me out. I will have no problem beating him down at his 5'4 stature and saying it to his little punk ass face. I am 6" 2 and a semi pro in MMA. I am not worried. I just want a new thrash metal Anthrax album and don't really give 2 shits if Scott Ian is in the band or not!

If it wasn't for his stage presence he would be fired and Anthrax would have put out at least 2 or 3 albums since the last one. Id rather John Bush still be in the band rather than this pussy bitch.

I in no way mean this in any other way than to say that this guy has ruined his own band. His ego has led to it's demise. The guy is in his 40's and playing with kids in an emo band. If I was Charlie or Frankie id beat his face in as Scott is not helping feed their families.. Scott and Rob can continue to play emo pussy shit and see where that gets them. Joey, Frank, Charlie, and Danny should boot him out and go do a new Anthrax album while Scott and Rob get their emotions out with The Damned Emo things!

Fuck him.
Very harsh mate and based on a lot of assumptions to be honest.

I personally believe the delay has been purely for financial & legal reasons - as always been the case with a lot of major decisions, delays, band member removal/replacements within the band over their careers.
Very harsh mate and based on a lot of assumptions to be honest.

I personally believe the delay has been purely for financial & legal reasons.

Come on now. I have read all of your postings. I know you are smarter than that. Are you really going to tell everyone that Scott Ian isn't a drama queen who wants to be a rock star? Reality show to emo bands, he is the only reason for any delay. I have been in this business for 13 years. I know nobody really cares or even knows what I do. But I know how it works. Every now and then you get a diva who thinks his shit doesn't stink Scott Ian is one of those guys.

It may be harsh. But sometimes the truth is harsh. If Scott wasn't in this band I can promise you none of this shit would be happening. Just ask Joey, Danny Spitz, Dan Nelson, and John Bush... they will tell you the same thing!
Scott Ian is a little tiny short man with a syndrome. I know nobody wants to admit it. But this guy is the only reason this album is taking so long and he is the only reason this band has never lived up to their potential. He is a short little bitch who has ruined this band. Unfortunately he is the only recognizable person in the band and has 'power. If he didn't hold any power in this band they would be much better off. I really am starting to hate this guy so much that watching him bounce around on the stage is making me sick. I hope he is happy with his emo friends in fallout boy. And its funny... if he wants to contact me personally and call me out. I will have no problem beating him down at his 5'4 stature and saying it to his little punk ass face. I am 6" 2 and a semi pro in MMA. I am not worried. I just want a new thrash metal Anthrax album and don't really give 2 shits if Scott Ian is in the band or not!

If it wasn't for his stage presence he would be fired and Anthrax would have put out at least 2 or 3 albums since the last one. Id rather John Bush still be in the band rather than this pussy bitch.

I in no way mean this in any other way than to say that this guy has ruined his own band. His ego has led to it's demise. The guy is in his 40's and playing with kids in an emo band. If I was Charlie or Frankie id beat his face in as Scott is not helping feed their families.. Scott and Rob can continue to play emo pussy shit and see where that gets them. Joey, Frank, Charlie, and Danny should boot him out and go do a new Anthrax album while Scott and Rob get their emotions out with The Damned Emo things!

Fuck him.

Mate I hear what you're saying and agree with you to a degree about some of the points you make, but does it really matter thaaat much? It's his life and his band, not yours, so with respect, I just don't get your constant bitching. Scott Ian doesn't owe you anything, and your talk of beating him down are just plain laughable - sorry. I'm as big an Anthrax fan as anyone here, but surely there's more important things in life???
Mate I hear what you're saying and agree with you to a degree about some of the points you make, but does it really matter thaaat much? It's his life and his band, not yours, so with respect, I just don't get your constant bitching. Scott Ian doesn't owe you anything, and your talk of beating him down are just plain laughable - sorry. I'm as big an Anthrax fan as anyone here, but surely there's more important things in life???

You are right. Talking about beating him down is pretty silly. I really don't mean to threaten him with violence. I guess that is just a form of expression. But I do think he is a sellout little girl and while he doesn't theoretically owe anyone anything, he does owe the Anthrax fans that got him where he is today some respect. He owes everything that ever happened in his life to the fans of Anthrax. There would be no The Damned Things if there was never an Anthrax. There would be no reality TV shows without Anthrax. Scott Ian would just be a tiny little 5'6 nerd if it wasn't for Anthrax. His priorities are mixed up and he really needs to think about what the fuck he is doing. Every time I hear this new album is delayed and see a new TV appearance from him promoting the Damned Things I want to jump through the TV and choke him out. You never hear much drama from anyone else in the band other than Scott and it gets pretty fuckin tiring! So I am venting. Thats all.
Scott Ian is a little tiny short man with a syndrome. I know nobody wants to admit it. But this guy is the only reason this album is taking so long and he is the only reason this band has never lived up to their potential. He is a short little bitch who has ruined this band. Unfortunately he is the only recognizable person in the band and has 'power. If he didn't hold any power in this band they would be much better off. I really am starting to hate this guy so much that watching him bounce around on the stage is making me sick. I hope he is happy with his emo friends in fallout boy. And its funny... if he wants to contact me personally and call me out. I will have no problem beating him down at his 5'4 stature and saying it to his little punk ass face. I am 6" 2 and a semi pro in MMA. I am not worried. I just want a new thrash metal Anthrax album and don't really give 2 shits if Scott Ian is in the band or not!

If it wasn't for his stage presence he would be fired and Anthrax would have put out at least 2 or 3 albums since the last one. Id rather John Bush still be in the band rather than this pussy bitch.

I in no way mean this in any other way than to say that this guy has ruined his own band. His ego has led to it's demise. The guy is in his 40's and playing with kids in an emo band. If I was Charlie or Frankie id beat his face in as Scott is not helping feed their families.. Scott and Rob can continue to play emo pussy shit and see where that gets them. Joey, Frank, Charlie, and Danny should boot him out and go do a new Anthrax album while Scott and Rob get their emotions out with The Damned Emo things!

Fuck him.
Maidenhead vs. Scott Ian, Round 1, Fight!
Chill down Maidy, it's only Rock 'n' Roll!

i hope you're no Nathan Gay and enter the stage with a gun screaming "you destroyed Anthrax! you ruined my life!"
i hope you're no Nathan Gay and enter the stage with a gun screaming "you destroyed Anthrax! you ruined my life!"

He wasn't screaming anything much less this bullshit someone made up.

I can understand the points IMF09 has made and I partially agree, but there would be no Anthrax if it wasn't for Scott Ian, and you have to admit that.
Scott Ian is a little tiny short man with a syndrome. I know nobody wants to admit it. But this guy is the only reason this album is taking so long and he is the only reason this band has never lived up to their potential. He is a short little bitch who has ruined this band. Unfortunately he is the only recognizable person in the band and has 'power. If he didn't hold any power in this band they would be much better off. I really am starting to hate this guy so much that watching him bounce around on the stage is making me sick. I hope he is happy with his emo friends in fallout boy. And its funny... if he wants to contact me personally and call me out. I will have no problem beating him down at his 5'4 stature and saying it to his little punk ass face. I am 6" 2 and a semi pro in MMA. I am not worried. I just want a new thrash metal Anthrax album and don't really give 2 shits if Scott Ian is in the band or not!

If it wasn't for his stage presence he would be fired and Anthrax would have put out at least 2 or 3 albums since the last one. Id rather John Bush still be in the band rather than this pussy bitch.

I in no way mean this in any other way than to say that this guy has ruined his own band. His ego has led to it's demise. The guy is in his 40's and playing with kids in an emo band. If I was Charlie or Frankie id beat his face in as Scott is not helping feed their families.. Scott and Rob can continue to play emo pussy shit and see where that gets them. Joey, Frank, Charlie, and Danny should boot him out and go do a new Anthrax album while Scott and Rob get their emotions out with The Damned Emo things!

Fuck him.

You're so stuck in high school it's ridiculous! Yes, go beat up Scott Ian, that'll make you even more badass! :Smug:
Maidenhead vs. Scott Ian, Round 1, Fight!
Chill down Maidy, it's only Rock 'n' Roll!

i hope you're no Nathan Gay and enter the stage with a gun screaming "you destroyed Anthrax! you ruined my life!"

lol. thats actually not funny though. Deege from this forum was there that night. I actually don't care enough about Anthrax to be that angry I just come across that way on the forum. But I would have no problem telling Scott he was a disgrace to thrash metal and an emo fag :worship::heh:
Scott Ian is a little tiny short man with a syndrome. I know nobody wants to admit it. But this guy is the only reason this album is taking so long and he is the only reason this band has never lived up to their potential. He is a short little bitch who has ruined this band. Unfortunately he is the only recognizable person in the band and has 'power. If he didn't hold any power in this band they would be much better off. I really am starting to hate this guy so much that watching him bounce around on the stage is making me sick. I hope he is happy with his emo friends in fallout boy. And its funny... if he wants to contact me personally and call me out. I will have no problem beating him down at his 5'4 stature and saying it to his little punk ass face. I am 6" 2 and a semi pro in MMA. I am not worried. I just want a new thrash metal Anthrax album and don't really give 2 shits if Scott Ian is in the band or not!

If it wasn't for his stage presence he would be fired and Anthrax would have put out at least 2 or 3 albums since the last one. Id rather John Bush still be in the band rather than this pussy bitch.

I in no way mean this in any other way than to say that this guy has ruined his own band. His ego has led to it's demise. The guy is in his 40's and playing with kids in an emo band. If I was Charlie or Frankie id beat his face in as Scott is not helping feed their families.. Scott and Rob can continue to play emo pussy shit and see where that gets them. Joey, Frank, Charlie, and Danny should boot him out and go do a new Anthrax album while Scott and Rob get their emotions out with The Damned Emo things!

Fuck him.

Fuck Scott Ian! :lol:

Seriously, calm down, you seem to be taking this a bit too personally.

But yeah, FUCK SCOTT IAN! :loco:
Scott Ian wrote on his facebook on 6th february that they had just recorded drums to 3 tracks, including Fight 'Em. So it's not like they are waiting for the vocals, because drums usually go first.