WORST 2010 albums


and why the hell did you quote that big ass string of pictures you wanker
CosmoLoco - Selection Naturale
Snake Eyes - Beware of the Snake
Soreption - Deterioration of Minds
Jack Slater - Extinction Aftermath
Antares Predator - Twilight of the Apocalypse

Where the hell do you find these bands? Serious question. I don't think you listen to the same thing twice. How are you a fan of like 700 bands? It blows my mind.

I like most of their other albums, but this one just didn't do it for me.
It's cool that Lee appreciates metal and all, but yeah, that is pretty lame. I didn't even know it was out tbh, which shows how much attention I've been paying to it since the news that he was "putting out a metal album".
Where the hell do you find these bands? Serious question. I don't think you listen to the same thing twice. How are you a fan of like 700 bands? It blows my mind.

I'm unemployed and out of school currently. All I have is time. I've had days where I'd sit here listening to metal for 18 hours. I am always in search of more stuff (mostly death metal).

Where do I find them? All over the place! Blogs, forums, friends, distros..
I've been there man. I pretty much made myself quite a master list of albums that I like and/or wanted over nearly a year of vegetating on my computer. Now though, for the most part, I've trimmed it down to things that have stuck with me and they're the things I really love/listen to the most.

I probably only download 5% of what I used to.
Arsis really hasn't been "bad", per se, but everything they've done since A Diamond For Disease (which is their best work, so not really surprising) has been mediocre as fuck.
Maybe I shouldn't have put a question mark at the end of my sentence. I was trying to say, in a very condescending tone, that there was nothing wrong with Bodom.
Jesus fucking Christ, that Christopher Lee thing must surely be a joke. The samples on myspace sound like a cross between video game music and a South Park parody song. He must be absolutely humiliated putting his name to that.