Worst albums that you own?

EternalMetal said:
your going to tell me to grow up after that? please. your a fucking douchebag anyway, so im not even going to bother.

and who the hell are you to say what appeals to metal fans? Im a metal fan, and those albums appeal to me. your talking about opinions and tastes and then you say something as general as metal fans? fucking contradiction.
I'm telling you to grow up because you can't accept the fact that not everyone likes what you like. You said 'FUCK YOU' to me because I didn't like a certain album. What I did was in jest. You just have rejection issues.

Also, the 'average metal fan' on this forum doesn't like Nu-Metal and Pop, so that's why I said what I said, I never said EVERYONE HAS THE SAME EXACT TASTES like you expect there to be. By the way, you contradicted yourself, I made a joke. There's a subtle difference.
Pyrus said:
Damn, EM, do you ALWAYS get this butthurt when somebody disagrees with you? Quit gaying up the thread with this shitty flame war.

You too, Dodens. :p It's a complete fucking waste of time.
You should know that I'm joking, Jewboy. :eek:
I sell all the CDs I don't like, but here some less-than-average albums I own:

Biohazard - Mata Leao
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
Emperor - Equilibrium
Immortal - Damned in Black
Opeth - Still Life
Pazuzu - III: The End of Ages
Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me
Cancer - Black Faith
Unleashed - Across the Open Sea
Metallica - Metallica
Slayer - God Hates Us All
Slayer - Diabolis En Musica
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Sepultura - Roots
Atrocity - BLUT
Internal Bleeding - The Extinction Of Benevolence
Cianide - A Descent Into Hell
Broken Hope - Bowels Of Repugnance
Eyehategod - Dopestick
Entombed - Inferno
Gorefest - Erase
One more album that I have to mention that is not the worst I own... (Because I sold the fucking thing.) Is a cd by this nu-metal band "Dope". My God it was fucking beyond cacophonius!!! It made limp bizkit seem like led zepplin! Only cd I have ever traded in. :erk: x 10
Sadly, I own every Iced Earth disc from after Burnt Offerings. 'Something Wicked' is probably the worst of the lot. I should really sell them.
Abigor-Nachthymnen (this album makes me want to vomit)
Mayhem-The Grand Declaration of War
Borknagar- Empiricism, Epic (their other albums are good imo).
Arch Enemy-Wages of Sin (I used to like em' but now I can't fucking stand em').
Def Leppard-Hysteria
Guardian of Darkness said:

The keyboards sound cheesy to me. Also, I don't particularly enjoy hearing female vocals on a bm album. I don't like the lyrics either. All in all, it just doesn't have the atmosphere that I like. I'm more into the Hvis Lyset Tar Oss or Bergtatt vibe
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Garage Inc. fucking owns...The cover of loverman is worth the price alone. That song just wants me to make hot, long, passionate love to a foreign woman and walk out the door when I'm done with her.

Let's see worst cd I own...and actually paid money for? I'll go with Earshot's debut. ::shivers::

What sort of foreign woman should she be? Turkish, African, English? I can set you up with a few Irish women if you like hehehehhe
Life Sucks said:
Gorefest - Erase
Yes, that cd was a joke. Thank god I found it for 50 cents in a budget bin at a cd store. I actually made a profit when I sold it back to another store! :Spin: