Iced Earth recomendations

Feb 28, 2003
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I just got, well, stole from Guardian of Darkness (:p) the Iced Earth album Something Wicked This Way Comes and it is increadable. What other Iced Earth albums would you recommend?
The Dark Saga is awesome(the last three songs in particular), umm, yeah, just get everything, it all fuckin rules. even Horror Show. If you can, try to get the three disc version of the live album and the 2 disc version of Days of Purgatory. You can get both from
in spite of what everyone is saying I also recommend the dark saga,days of purgatory and alive in athens
Iced Earth has a large and loyal enough following that there will always be those who try to discredit them. Ignore.

Not counting Alive In Athens, simply b/c it's like a live greatest hits, I rank the rest of them as follows:

1. Something Wicked This Way Comes
2. The Dark Saga
3. Night Of The Stormrider
4. Burnt Offerings
5. Iced Earth
6. Horror Show

I feel that each one has meritous reasons why it deserves to be owned though.
I would definately by them in this order.

1. Night of the Stormrider
2. Burnt Offerings
3. The Dark Saga
4. Something Wicked This Way Comes
5. Iced Earth
6 Horror Show

If you would like "Alive in Athens" I'd give it a thumbs up, for a live, greatest hits abulm... it ain't too shabby.
Horror Show is getting so much flack...I'd say that and Something Wicked are the best. Jon Schaffer has originality , but I really think that he needs to stop basing a whole album on things.
I would just get the DAYS OF PURGATORY compilation which has 15 tracks that contains best of the early albums material. Then if you want an album get DARK SAGA, don't spend anymore money here there are better groups to discover.
Of course, the Alive In Athens 3CD will pretty much sum it up but if I had to rank them, it would have to go a little something like this:

1. Night Of The Stormrider
2. Burnt Offerings (why this is Jon's least favorite I'll never know)
3. Iced Earth
4. The Dark Saga
5. Something Wicked
6. Horror Show
I think Alive in Athens is fucking A
but the problem is that they perform so well that you might not like some of the studio versions
You know, I just want to cast my vote for Horror Show. I love that album and I think that there is still some great music on it despite it not being the greatest IE album ever. Don't pass it up because most people are saying they don't like it best, you just may find you love it! (I did!)
