The best metal album of all time!


Btw Killers is classic Iron Maiden and Bruce is one of the greatest lead vocalists of all time.
Bruce's vocals on 80's Iron Maiden are not bad and do like albums after Killers, but he also took certain vibes away from the band. I usually just listen too Killers.
I think that the S/T has more blatantly weaker songs (In the Blood, My Favorite Nightmare) but is still better as a whole because of the godliness of the first four and Battalions. Both are excellent, though.

I actually really enjoy "In The Blood" but I would agree "My Favorite Nightmare" is probably the weakest track.

Annoyingly nasal?


You're smoking crack?

Obvious falsity + unverifiable value judgment?

Completely beyond rational adjudication?
My personal favorite is Ghost reveries by Opeth.

If I was deciding the best ever without personal taste I'd have to say "If The Light Takes Us" by Burzum although it'd not even my favorite by them.
Well I been listening to diSEMBOWELMENT lately and I'd have to nominate this:

Transcendence into the Peripheral,
It's unbelievable, there's brutal death metal passages juxtaposed amongst stumbling crushing doom sections and layered over the top are eerie shimmering clean guitar melodies. The production makes excellent use of reverb, it sounds like it was recorded in a cave, everything feels like it's coming from so deep in the mix.