Worst banter by a vocalist?


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Mar 29, 2003
I was listening to Kamelots live album "The Expedition" recently. I love Kamelot and think that Roy Khan is one of the best vocalists in the world BUT on this CD he says to the crowd between songs (I can't remember which) "Are you ready to rock?". Its just.........bad. I'm sure there are others out there...
Any vocalist who is trying to 'sound cool' on stage. When vocalists are just being themselves it shows and its appreciated by this fan.
Meh, I'd rather they yell some cliched rock saying every now and then as opposed to reading the same script each night.
The Cure. Saw 'em last week and they said about 7 words total.

Superjoint Ritual ain't too great either... Phil spent more time calling the crowd every name in the book and ranting about politics than playing music. 2:25 minute song, 5 minutes of bitching, 3:04 song, 5 minutes of bitching..... :Smug: It wasn't even good political bitching and name-calling. It was like, "f**ck you, you mutherf**kers - i don't f***king care about your f**king stupid as f**k bullsh*t election. You can kiss my sweaty f**king b*lls*ck you mutherf**ckers, so dont come b*tchin' to me mutherf*ckers, cuz you c*cksuckers can't handle it, i don't even want to hear it from you stupida** mutherf*ckers" whaaaaa? :puke:
Ozzy's rants in the 80's crack me up! :lol: If you watch The Ultimate Ozzy VHS it's like he gets pissed off if the crowd isn't clapping their hands. He's like, clap your g**damned hands!!!! Then he'll ask....are you high???? :lol: He's so blown out of his mind himself, he doesn't know which way is up. :lol:

If you haven't seen it, then do yourself a favor and watch it. It's a good live performance, plus you get to watch Jake E Lee in action. With that said, Ozzy is hilarious without trying to be.

I was listening to Kamelots live album "The Expedition" recently. I love Kamelot and think that Roy Khan is one of the best vocalists in the world BUT on this CD he says to the crowd between songs (I can't remember which) "Are you ready to rock?". Its just.........bad. I'm sure there are others out there...

I agree. Roy's voice just isn't tough enough to ask the age old, "are you ready to rock question. I can buy into it if Jorn is asking it, but Roy on the other hand just needs to stay away from that type of thing.

my favorite Paul Stanley stage banters....

In Chicago once, Paul asked the crowd "Cleveland, are you with me?"

another one I heard from a live bootleg...

"I know some of you people out there are gonna be going home with someone tonight, and you better make sure they aint got them STDs....or else you're gonna have to call out the doctor....calling Dr. Love...."

fucking cracks me up

also, in Oct 2000, at Merriwether Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD, Kiss had NO idea where they were.
Stage intro said "Washington, DC..."
Paul said Columbia, Baltimore, Washington, etc throughout the show.
but the best part was when Paul said "Nissan Pavilion we thank you for having us back..."
keep in mind the show was at Merriweather Pavilion, not Nissan :heh:

Long live the Paul Stanley Stage Banter!:kickass:
The best stage banter in the world is by Marco Hietala and Anette from Nightwish. It is classic and is really directed at saying thanks to a grateful crowd.
Long live the Paul Stanley Stage Banter!:kickass:

"WE GOT ANY PEOPLE TONIGHT THAT ARE HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH?!?!?!?! ALRIGHT THEN, LISTEN! Ya KNOW.... every once in a while, we like to get a little...we like to taste a little AL-CO-HAAAAAWL!!!!!!! And I tell you when we get goin, we ain't gonna be drinkin' no Southern Comfort, NO NO! We ain't gonna be drinkin' no TEQEEEEEELA! 'Cause I TELL ya.....when we wanna get goin', there's only one drink that gets us MOOOOOO-VIN!"

"Sometimes there are songs that have beginning's that are kinda as cool as the song, sometimes the lyrics don't count so much, it's the front of the song that really makes it. Here's a song that gets part of it's personality from the... front."


"WE GOT ANY PEOPLE TONIGHT THAT ARE HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH?!?!?!?! ALRIGHT THEN, LISTEN! Ya KNOW.... every once in a while, we like to get a little...we like to taste a little AL-CO-HAAAAAWL!!!!!!! And I tell you when we get goin, we ain't gonna be drinkin' no Southern Comfort, NO NO! We ain't gonna be drinkin' no TEQEEEEEELA! 'Cause I TELL ya.....when we wanna get goin', there's only one drink that gets us MOOOOOO-VIN!"



Glenn, I could have been happy living my entire life without seeing that CD cover. Seeing Paul Stanley's turquiose man-thong and sasquatchian body hair is enough to give me nightmares well into the foreseeable future. :lol:

Back OT:

I also love Kamelot, but Khan's on stage banter that has always bothered me comes from One Cold Winters Night specifically at the end of "Center of the Universe" when he says:

"Thank you Oslo! You guys rule! You guys ready to party? I can't hear you! Let me hear... the scream like only the people of Oslo can scream! Give it to meeeeee!"

It sounds like he lost his train of thought. A close runner up on the same CD is when he's announcing Casey's drum solo...
Last Queensryche concert I went to was pretty bad. Between songs, Geoff would start going off on these kind of angry tangents, that took a lot of work to get back to relating it to the song coming up. "What the fuck is up with seatbelt laws"... Bad night on his part? No idea. Was a pretty bad concert overall, and I never thought I would say that.
The Cure. Saw 'em last week and they said about 7 words total.

Superjoint Ritual ain't too great either... Phil spent more time calling the crowd every name in the book and ranting about politics than playing music. 2:25 minute song, 5 minutes of bitching, 3:04 song, 5 minutes of bitching..... :Smug: It wasn't even good political bitching and name-calling. It was like, "f**ck you, you mutherf**kers - i don't f***king care about your f**king stupid as f**k bullsh*t election. You can kiss my sweaty f**king b*lls*ck you mutherf**ckers, so dont come b*tchin' to me mutherf*ckers, cuz you c*cksuckers can't handle it, i don't even want to hear it from you stupida** mutherf*ckers" whaaaaa? :puke:

That's what Children of Bodom was like! Alexi couldn't say three words without at least two of them ending in "ck." He complained about the venue, about the weather, about the fans just standing there instead of head banging...It got tiresome real quick. I had no idea he was that inarticulate.
The worst I've ever seen is probably David Lee Roth when he was in Van Halen the first time. Remember a classic when they played in Sweden in the mid 80's. A girl apparently was sticking her tongue out at the band when Dave walks to the front of the stage and says "Girl, don't you stick your tongue out to me unless you are gonna use it....". Classic.
Joey of Manowar is also filled with insane banter. Too much to mention here.
Last Queensryche concert I went to was pretty bad. Between songs, Geoff would start going off on these kind of angry tangents, that took a lot of work to get back to relating it to the song coming up. "What the fuck is up with seatbelt laws"... Bad night on his part? No idea. Was a pretty bad concert overall, and I never thought I would say that.

LOL true he did go on a bit of a tangent in Frisco as well but the concert was awesome, The Ryche was great!... David Driaman on the Ozzfest tour a few years ago, ripping the ass out of the Emo's was a bit much... Way to long
