Worst banter by a vocalist?

I don't know if its particular bad but I always got a kick out of Mikael's banter (Dark Tranquillity) from their Live Damage album.

"let us continue on that note about the inevitable nature of things. We are here to have a good time tonight, but are NOT BUILT TO LAST" *music starts*
I think Mikael's dry humor is absolutely hilarious.

But, don't listen to me, my username is derived from Ghost of Perdition.

Perhaps I wasn't giving him a fair shot. I was trying to make two shows on the same night. I enjoyed Opeth the first time I saw them, so maybe I was just in a hurry to go see Rigor Mortis.

Also, Barney from Napalm Death's "Bootlegged in Japan" is pretty funny. "This is probably, no definitely, the last few songs."
Tobias from Edguy would get my vote as the BEST! I could listen to him talk all night! As for worst, I'd support the Phil Anselmo nominations. I'd also second the Don Dokken.

One of the greatest impromptu guys EVER in my opinion was Butch Walker back in the Marvelous Three's heyday. He could REALLY play a crowd. That man's a genius.

Slightly different topic here, but I always think it's funny when you watch death metal or "extreme" vocal bands and they talk all nice and quiet until they introduce a song and then they go into "character." Angela from Arch Enemy is the epitome of this: "Thanks everyone for coming out. How are you doing?!!!! This next song...is called RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGHGGGGGGOOORRRHHHHH!!!!!!!" HA HA HA!
Worst stage banter I've witnessed wouldn't actually fall under banter, per se... but! James LaBrie asking for someone to "get him a fucking cheeseburger" and then throwing his mic stand and walking off during "Pull Me Under" in a tissy was both amusing and disappointing. Seems some dufus lit up a charcoal grill right off to the side of the stage. With the sea breeze blowing it right up at them (added to the fog effect, lemme tell ya) it royally and understandably pissed of LaBrie. I guess that combined with Portnoy messing with the tempo during PMU and people not standing pretty much at all during the show just made LaBrie snap. He didn't even come back for final bow.

Funniest start to a show I've ever seen was the most recent SymX show down here in San Diego. The lights are low, intro music is setting the mood just right. A mere second before we anticipate our faces will be melted by the forthcoming onslaught Russell shouts, "Are you ready to rock?!?!?!" and then... silence! Immediately followed by Russell's, "We're not!" :notworthy
The Cure. Saw 'em last week and they said about 7 words total.

Superjoint Ritual ain't too great either... Phil spent more time calling the crowd every name in the book and ranting about politics than playing music. 2:25 minute song, 5 minutes of bitching, 3:04 song, 5 minutes of bitching..... :Smug: It wasn't even good political bitching and name-calling. It was like, "f**ck you, you mutherf**kers - i don't f***king care about your f**king stupid as f**k bullsh*t election. You can kiss my sweaty f**king b*lls*ck you mutherf**ckers, so dont come b*tchin' to me mutherf*ckers, cuz you c*cksuckers can't handle it, i don't even want to hear it from you stupida** mutherf*ckers" whaaaaa? :Puke:
You must have seen the same Superjoint Ritual show/tour I did. That's exactly what I remembered and the Jersey crowd did not take too kindly to it. He was practically booed off the stage. In between "banter," was no more than 50 min. of music at a clip... yes, I counted. Totally turned me off this band for life.
my friend brought me to an unearth show, and between songs usually he just told us how everyone in the building was going to hell and shit, it was kind of funny. he said a bunch of other sacreligious stuff too and everyone was cheering like crazy, i cracked up.
don't most people who see sjr just want to see phil anselmo, not actually the band which is very mediocre to say the least?


Yngwie Malmsteen from the G3 Live in Denver dvd (he is the frontman in that one).
It goes like this:
"Good Evening people!" guitarwankwankwiddlewiddle, "Do you know what time it is?" wankitywankwiddleweezlewank "It's time" *pauses, randomly kicks the air "To rock!!" weedilywanksqewwank. Then after building this suspense "to rock", he goes into the acoustic intro of evil eye. You have to see it, but it is just the corniest thing ever

Moonspell have been pretty bad both times i've seen them, one time the guy brought out this fake halloween store skull on stage and talked about how he worshiped death and the skull and another time he complained about how hard the tour had been, wahhhh!

REO Speedwagon, the guy was talking about doing his grocery shopping and running into heather locklear, and then made a very lame joke involving holding his "mangos" while starting at her "mangos", how an audience of thousands of adults laughed at this I do not know

Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, he randomly says "you know I am surprised I haven't had the shit blown out of me!" Which gets a good response and is funny in the context, but then spends the next 5 minutes going on a weird paranoid political rant and talking about 9/11 that just kind of had people going "um...yeah..awkward....play locomotive breath now?

Also in general I think Leaves' Eyes are just horrible at their stage banter..it sounds so obviously scripted and unnatural

Finntroll in NYC:
“Do you guys like priest?” (singularly)
*crowd is kind of confused but eventually some people yell NOOO*
“You know what we say about priests? Let’s eat them!”

And to add to the DT quotes, telling the crowd at ozzfest with SYL that "you are all disgusting looking people, you only wish you could be as good looking as ME" and having said audience get legitimately pissed and flip him off was priceless
Worst, for me, would have to be from the dumbass singer from Danko Jones, at Wacken 2006. The guy goes on a stupid, inane rant saying a bunch of stuff which I can't remember most of. I do remember that he kept asking the audience to give the sun the finger, and other stupid stuff like that.
"WE GOT ANY PEOPLE TONIGHT THAT ARE HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH?!?!?!?! ALRIGHT THEN, LISTEN! Ya KNOW.... every once in a while, we like to get a little...we like to taste a little AL-CO-HAAAAAWL!!!!!!! And I tell you when we get goin, we ain't gonna be drinkin' no Southern Comfort, NO NO! We ain't gonna be drinkin' no TEQEEEEEELA! 'Cause I TELL ya.....when we wanna get goin', there's only one drink that gets us MOOOOOO-VIN!"

"Sometimes there are songs that have beginning's that are kinda as cool as the song, sometimes the lyrics don't count so much, it's the front of the song that really makes it. Here's a song that gets part of it's personality from the... front."



Wow. Thanks Glenn... Not only will I have nightmares about this, I finally understand the "Paul Stanely is Dr. Roxxo" that my band was telling me. I just figured the character was based on DLR & King Diamond.
Funny thread. The one time I saw Edguy at PP, I thought Toby talked so much, it actually detracted from the show. There was a lot of confusion over guest singers during that set and I thought that detracted from the show. It also seemed like most of Toby's jokes were related to gayness. Got real old.

Best - Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl. I saw him get on a dude so bad in Dallas that was talking on a cell phone during a song. When the song was over, Jesse had them turn the house light on and he reamed this poor bastatrd for several minutes!! He works a crowd better than any front man I've ever seen - especially during "Mental Masturbation" - "yeah boys, when it's all over but the shouting and your eyeballs roll up in your head and you think you're going to sleep - these ladies in Texas - they're not puttin' up with that shit - are ya ladies????"

I also like Sammy Hagar - "Let's go to my house - all 25,000 of you motherfuckers and we'll throw 10 pounds of weed in the fire place.........."

Chris :rock:
The Cure. Saw 'em last week and they said about 7 words total.
I've always liked it when they don't say much. Not that I dislike it when they talk, I just think it's somewhat powerful when they say very little. The last band I saw do that was either Isis or The Red Sparowes.
Seeing Kiss was the worst banter I have ever heard. Akerfeldt is one of my favs, he cracks me up. I like him on the bloodbath dvd going, "give it to me in death metal voice, now high death metal voice, now dani filth." All time fav was Devin when I saw SYL with fear factory. Devin's offensive insane humor is like mine, so i love it. I remember Scott Weiland get so pissed off at somebody at ozzfest a few years back for throwing a water bottle on stage, because he sucked, and how mad he got just showed how much of an attitude he has. I would be mad too, but not like he was.
I was thinking as i read this how disturbing it was to see how many people here have seen SJR. That was their first mistake... buying a ticket to that show.

Wasn't there to see them. SJR was a nasty side-effect to seeing Priest.

I was waiting through the garbage on the mainstage at Ozzfest that one year, and saw many bands I'd never see otherwise.