Worst Growler in Metal Music

job for a cowboy fuckin shits me pig grunts how is "WORRK WORRK WEEK WEEEK" ment to be fuckin vocals let alone a lyric! GAHHH fuckin gapping assed piss midgits the lot of em
Perhaps, but I just like taking the oppurtunity to tell people how much I dislike Bodom.

heh, I don't like them either. I like a couple songs such as In Your Face but Alexi Laiho has terrible vocals, I can't listen to him....I know many will differ from my opinion, but I can't understand a word and then when I look up the lyrics I still get lost. haha he just isn't meant to be a vocalist. and vocals, IMO, are important in metal....I can't listen to Bodom because of him.

chad kroeger has the worst growl - EVER

dude, he isn't even a growler. He is just a singer....of Nickelback right? He sounds like he gargles glass :erk: so yeah, he ain't got the best voice and all the songs sound the same.
god what a wanker

whats with black metal bands and extremely horrible dress sense

fuck that, metal bands in general, why doesnt anyone just wear 5 dollar tracky dacks and flannos anymore, everyone is into face makeup and nail polish and bondage shit
I wanna here how they sound, be funny if they were actually good. Ironically dimmu's shagrath married Nicholas Cage's ex gf. Who is the mother of Weston his bm son. Which is how his pissy little garage bm band ended up opening for dimmu.