Worst Vocalists In Metal

nothing worse then the guy in waking the cadaver, makes me lol every time I hear him. I think he was born as a wild boar.
http://myspace.com/wakingthecadaver (I think its just new jersey has just been hit with a horrible vocalist bomb, check out digested flesh while your there)

I can't take brutal death metal bands serious and it's not just because vocals, because in general music they are some of the worst musicians period.
Explain? Especially since you have a logo of a death metal band in your sig.

Granted, that Waking The Cadaver stuff was rubbish, but a lot of people out there playing fast, brutal death metal aren't exactly shithouse musicians.
I keep hearing this hellish song on the radio(radio sux, I know, have to listen to it at work)But, Fair to Midland "Dance of the Manatees" beside the obviously gay ass title for a tune,C'mon, that guy is an awful vocalist!!!!!
im not going to go thru every page seing if someone said this already, so ill just say it, the worst vocalist in metal right now is the vocalist for the band CONVERGE. go to youtube and watch their newest video, its like he records his vocals with a fist down his throat. no respect for him whatsoever.
Explain? Especially since you have a logo of a death metal band in your sig.

Granted, that Waking The Cadaver stuff was rubbish, but a lot of people out there playing fast, brutal death metal aren't exactly shithouse musicians.

Traditional/oldschool death metal is not the samething as brutal death metal.