worst of '07

appearantly i picked alot of bands that others thing had bad song writing. anyways, i thought the writing was good and some parts were just epic
I tend not to listen to shit that I wouldn't like. I can't even think of what I would put on this list.
I must say I really like that album. C'mon it is a good debut, I am definitly looking forward to their next one. What is wrong with that album BTW 5xV?

There's nothing really wrong with it since it's pretty much just this extremely middling death metal. Plus, Centurian (sorry, messed up their name there, called 'em Choronzon because they have an album with that word in there) already existed once...there was not really much need for their ex-guitarist to just form a new band with exactly the same sound/ideology for the most part. Just kind of bothered me. But like I said, there's nothing WRONG with it, I found it disappointing. Nowadays, plain-old death metal is more of a "been there, done that" thing. They did nothing really new.
I was also disappointed by The Apostasy. ZKC and Demigod were my favorite Behemoth records (not being much of a black metaller) and I was hoping the new record would be of comparable quality. To be honest, though, Behemoth can be fairly hit-or-miss with me, even on ZKC I only like about half of the tracks. Meh.
I tend not to listen to shit that I wouldn't like. I can't even think of what I would put on this list.

Same. There were only two albums I bought this year that I found at all disappointing. I always have to hear a couple tracks from the albums via myspace, or else I base my purchases on advice given by well-trusted sources, such as yourself.

Plus I tend to listen to new albums with an open mind without too many expectations. By doing this I'm able to accept the music better and more easily cone to enjoy it.
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao - lack of focus and horrible production.
While I found the production to be a highlight of this album, I won't bother arguing that. The musical focus was pretty apparent to me, as all (most of?) the songs seem to be built around recurring intervals (2-3-1 and 2-3-4 I believe) that tend to use the same rhythm. "A Wise Birthgiver" and "Anti" have the most recognizable similarities and I think the same themes are found elsewhere. Also it all seems to revolve around an endtimes/folly of mankind concept, with certain lyrical passages being repeated in different songs (zero times everything in "Illuminate Eliminate" vs. zero times nothing in "Anti"). So when there seems such an effort to create this album as a unified piece of work I'm not sure where one could find a "lack of focus."
I tend not to analyze albums to the depth that you have demonstrated. Regardless if there were any unifying patterns, the album just felt disjointed to me, and it lacked the type of flow that I'm accustomed to when listening to traditional black metal.

I should give the album a couple more spins to try to achieve your degree of understanding, but currently I am insufficiently engaged by this odd group of songs.
I tend not to listen to shit that I wouldn't like. I can't even think of what I would put on this list.

All that music that you buy & you didn't run into any duds on accident?? This, I personally find very hard to believe as I always run into stuff I don't like even from my cherished bands, & you listen to much more music than I do.
To whomever said Symphony X - Paradise Lost: I see that the album was less "proggy" than there last efforts. However, I think it kind of suits the band better. This album is my favorite of the year.

For me, the worst album has to be Drudkh - Anti-Urban because I had somewhat high hopes for it and it was piece of shit. Estrangment was soooooo much better.