Worst thing that ever happened to someone in your band/ a band you know.

i'm constantly getting hand injuries and getting hit in the throat. my drummer also likes to break bones and though this isn't an injury... one time me and my guitarist showed up at my drummers house for practice and he wasn't there. so we asked around and nobody knew where he was... turns out he was in jail in North Carolina for a DUI... we live in maryland
This isn't really a "metal discussion" thread in that it is not really even loosely based on the music at hand...so I'm moving it to social.
Friends of mine in a band called Bound and Gagged(broke up) did a quick tour of central US and Westcoast. They played a show in Texas and the next thing they knew they were sleeping at some hillbillies house with chickens running around and feces from numerous animals all over the house.

anyhow, some of their gear got ripped off overnight and all their wallets got stolen.
There was this big party/bonfire at this field in the middle of nowhere and everyone except me was blazed as fuck. Then some black people from the ghetto showed up and there was a massive goatfuck, and our guitarist got his wrist shattered by some metal objects
Not much horrible shit ever happened to the fellows I used to play with a few years ago, but we used to play some really mean pranks on our vocalist.

As far as bands I know, John Chavez of Vehemence sold out and joined some really gay emo band and got one of those flippy haircuts. I really feel sorry for the guy but I suppose he feels liberated now that he's come out of the closet.