Worst unplugged songs


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2006
Southern California
This thread is a parody of the other "best acoustic song" thread, but with a twist. What Symphony X song would sound worse as an entire acoustic song? If you don't want to use Symphony X, name any metal song that would sound terrible as a full acoustic/umplugged song.

I say Eyes of Medusa, so heavy, acoustic would destroy it. Yet, I know Romeo could rewrite it and it would still be badass as acoustic.
Awesome take-off on my thread, thanks!

I was trying to find an answer to your question, but when you think about what Arjen did for the acoustic bonus disc of TFE, it asks the question: "What can't become an "unplugged" song? Some of those songs were heavily altered while still maintaining the integrity of what the song was about.

In reference to Tubbs, heavy songs can actually make acoustic versions easier. Especially if they're repetitive. I think the hardest thing to translate would be shredding, but even that can be done by slight modification (imagine flamenco guitar shredding).

So I don't know! I guess it's really up to the skill of whoever is rearranging.
DoomsdayZach said:
dragonforce is painful to listen to as is. i don't see why it needs to be made any worse.

lol. They are the worlds most popular muckaround band. The solos are all about herman and sam battling out in epic duels, and generally its just fun all round. Thats all lost on acoustic though. Unless u have an acoustic with a whammy bar.
DoomsdayZach said:
dragonforce is painful to listen to as is. i don't see why it needs to be made any worse.

It's all of the emo/scene kids wearing their shirts. I hate that.

*Sees an emo/scene kid wearing a Dragonforce shirt*

Me: So you like power metal?

Emo: LoL what???!?

Me: The music DragonForce plays.

Emo: Oh yeaH lol!!

Me: What did you think of Valley of the Damned?

Emo: LoL huh?

Me: Their first album. You know, before your kind started listening to them.

Emo: ................

Me: That's what i thought.
My band once did an acoustic ballad version of 'Fucking Hostile' by Pantera....we thought it kicked ass but public opinion at the bar/gig differed...some people have no sense of humour :)