lol Bear!!!

you're right, Eyes of Medusa is one of the milestones of SyX, and i happen to like it particularly because it's one of the first songs i heard.. so for me it's just SPECIAL!

And, for the people who didn't, you should hear it performed live, it fuckin ROCKS!!!

As for the first SyX album, i admit i never listened to it very much... i happen to be toooooo affectioned to Russ' voice and i always felt a bit strange about Tyler's one... anyways, this discussion about this *supposed to be*
sucky album made me feel like giving 2 or 3 spins right now... and i must DISAGREE with all the people who insist saying that is the
worst album of SymphonyX
The WEAKEST maybe, but not really for the songs (they are beautiful neoclassical-progressive pieces and they were font of inspiration for the latest work of the band as well), but for the production that was of course more low-budget than DWOT or V and for the voice, since we all happen to prefer Russell (more powerful, more range, more everything i should say)
Demonspell: i like a lot Shades of Gray!

Really i am thinking SyX has nothing "worst", maybe there just are some songs that people perceive in a different way... and rather than wrong i catalogue the songs which don't enter in my TOP chart like
"the songs i like a bit less"... but i dont really find anything wrong with them!!!