What's the worst SyX Song?!?!?!

†Russel Allen†®

The King of Terrors
Jul 25, 2002
SP - Brazil
So... hard thread, huh?!?! Heheheh... mine, definitely, is not one song, but the entire debut-album (Symphony X)... that album is a shame... SyX should re-record that shit entirely... hehehehehe! What about you, good fellas?!?!?! :-P
adagio , i don't know how u don't like eyes of medusa , but everybody has their choice :)
personally that song kicks my ass , especially the intro riff , makes me headbang like crazy :grin: hehe

but , yeah i think the s/t album is their worst but i think with better production and with russ allen's vocals it could be a very good album indeed !!
"Orion The Hunter" and "Eyes Of Medusa" are both awesome... two of my favorite...

The only bad song on the last 3 albums is "Witching Hour".
lol Bear!!! :lol: you're right, Eyes of Medusa is one of the milestones of SyX, and i happen to like it particularly because it's one of the first songs i heard.. so for me it's just SPECIAL! ;)
And, for the people who didn't, you should hear it performed live, it fuckin ROCKS!!! :rock:
As for the first SyX album, i admit i never listened to it very much... i happen to be toooooo affectioned to Russ' voice and i always felt a bit strange about Tyler's one... anyways, this discussion about this *supposed to be* sucky album made me feel like giving 2 or 3 spins right now... and i must DISAGREE with all the people who insist saying that is the worst album of SymphonyX :mad:
The WEAKEST maybe, but not really for the songs (they are beautiful neoclassical-progressive pieces and they were font of inspiration for the latest work of the band as well), but for the production that was of course more low-budget than DWOT or V and for the voice, since we all happen to prefer Russell (more powerful, more range, more everything i should say)
Demonspell: i like a lot Shades of Gray! :)
Really i am thinking SyX has nothing "worst", maybe there just are some songs that people perceive in a different way... and rather than wrong i catalogue the songs which don't enter in my TOP chart like "the songs i like a bit less"... but i dont really find anything wrong with them!!! :grin:

Yeah, everyone has opinions and all are completely subjective. I don't think you can really ask what is the worst SymX song. Rather ask for the least favorite SymX song. I like all of their songs but I like a few better than others. But remember, everything is subjective.
P.S Eyes of Medusa rocks!
What?!?! Worst SX song? Are there any? DUH!

Sir Russell is right, the first album is the weakest, but not a bad one! I like it. Period.

Worst songs can only be called worst songs depending on your mood, right? Next time you like them perhaps.

My two cents.
I would have to say that the first album has to have the "worst" SyX song. Only because the writing wasn't nearly as polished as it is now. Absynth & Rue wasn't a particular favorite of mine and still isn't. Of course, even on some of the songs with weak choruses, some of the music still rips! It's hard to say what the worst is, but I know that the vocals on the first album drag all of the songs down a bit. Thank god they got Russell in there, he's got to be the best singer out there right now! He's got every nuance you can imagine and he's got a range that's phenominal!

I agree that had Russell been on the first album it would have been much, much better, even with the low production budget.
Hmm well I cant really compare the first album entirely with the newer stuff because it didnt have Russel Allen, but I actually think it had some really good songs on it that would rock if they were remade such as Premonition, Rapture or Pain and Absenthe and Rue. Masquerade is a great song but they already blessed us with a remake of that one. Into the Dementia was fine because it had no vocals. The rest pretty much suck.

Well... as far as their 4 albums with Russel Allen I would have to say the worst 3 songs are The Witching Hour, Pharoah, and Sea of Lies. Those are the only 3 songs with Russel Allen that I DONT like, otherwise every other song by them either kicks total as or is at least pretty good. I always found it funny that the 3 songs I think are the worst by them come from the same album with the 2 songs that I think are their all time best (Of Sins and Shadows and Candlelight Fantasia).