would like to record real amps on a budget, suggestions?

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
this is horribly newbish but hell, i need guidance!

Just bought a SM57 and am looking forward to sticking it in front of my Fender 4x12 cab with the FM100H head it came with :spin: (I've put my 58 in front of it before with no success) I'm not expecting anything radd but its the first step in something way cool for me that I've been interested in for a while. I'm not tired of using ampsims or POD, I just want to learn how to get the same (and better) tones from something real. If i get something useable I'd be stoked.

After reading, I know the Harvey Benton cabs are pretty sick on a budget (which i defenately am) and 5150s/6505s reign king around here. But those Peavey heads are $1,200 USD which is no fuckin bueno. Found a 5150 at a pawn shop for $700 but thats still out of my leauge for now.

Anyone getting any sick tones from something under $300?
Dr. Gay, are you saying blend my Fender head tone with an ampsim?
Cool that you were born here. Not sure how old you are but dude in the last 10 years it's been growing like crazy it's such a huge city now.
definitely dont blend with an ampsim tone, that would be silly. not to mention all the phasing issues that would introduce.

but you can get a good tone out of just about any amp/cab so long as you have a decent distortion pedal and a fairly well treated room. the room is superrrrr important here if your amp/cab situation is less than ideal.
Get a used Peavey...scour craigslist for a while and ask a shitload of questions and test out prospects. I'll bet you could find either a 5150 or a 6505 for less than $500, maybe less than $400 if you're diligent. It's not unheard of around here. If you can't +1 with what Trevoire posted.
here is my saved ebay amp search
(ampeg vl, laney 50, laney aor, laney tt, gh50l, vh100r, classic 50, redbear, red bear, vl-503, bassman 10, bassman ten, crate stealth, madison divinity, peavey ultra, peavey butcher, peavey blues, peavey triumph, peavey penta) -d2f -airliner -liteflite -xcase -pick -ata -"ata case" -"tube set"

note: the madison divinity is basically a b-52 at100 - i have a b52 now and it rulez for a cheap amp.
also, look for used Bugera stuff. 333,333xl,6262 etc...
Thanks for all the input guys. you really helped alot. I'll be amazon-ing and craigslist-ing for some of those items everyone mentioned.

Until then, I'll be rockin this Fender head/cab. Here's a (very) quick clip I put together last night. 57 is an inch away from the point pointing right at the cone. Everything on the amp was at noon (5) except the bass at about 9:30 (2.5)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/5,5,5,2.5 fender head test.mp3

any thoughts on this? I didn't do the ol' "which speaker sounds best" test, I just put the on the top right speaker and moved it around till i got something I liked. Will probably do that sometime soon though.
I think the only post processing on the guitars are HP/LP, some mid boost, and a limiter.
anyways, any thoughts? tips?

Different Version right here. Same take, different processing.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/5,5,5,2.5 with POD screamer.mp3

which do you like better?
I'm not the expert of experts around here, but I definitely liked the 2nd take better, it glued into the rest of the mix much better. I'm broke as all fuck myself, just recently scored a 6505+ combo for just over $600. I think you should look into doing something similar, because if you can get that from what some would call "subpar" gear, (not saying I think its subpar), I think you could produce something really awesome from a slight upgrade. I'm not spoiled on V30's and oversized cabs, so even the 1x12 Sheffield in my 6505+ still sounds great to me after mic'ing for demo work and rehearsal/live play. The other guitar player in my band uses a 4x12 LIne6 Spider setup, got damn notorious for not playing well with other amps, yet with a tubescreamer and putting my post gain to about 4-5, I can drown him out with glorious metal tone :grin:
Lodge, yes IMO the fender head/cab is a bit "subpar". Got em for $500 a few years ago when I was in bands. Not saying $500 for a head/cab = subpar cuz money doesn't always translate into quality the way it seems. But yeah my set up would be legitimately reckoned as "not awesome". I'm on Craigslist for a few items and am waiting for the right time/right place thing to happen for me. Thanks for your input on which clip sounded better btw

nervirasme, I have (I think) all of the lepou ampsims but haven't tried out legion yet. I'll give it a whirl soon!