Would you give up your right to vote for $1 Million?

in all honesty though, if you're on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere... it's not really likely that 2 people are going to be there at the same time.

And, it's not like the kid couldn't have waiting the 30 seconds it took to pass the bicyclist before composing his next textual masterpiece. And how long must the kid have been not paying attention to not see the cyclist if the road were deserted?
was it dark? did the cyclist decide to cross perpendicular to the street? I just had an accident 2 months ago because the absolute *INSTANT* my phone rang and I looked down to it, I smashed into a PT cruiser I had my eyes off the road for LITTERALLY less than a second. It happens that quick, so I wouldn't be so quick to paint it like he was texting a paragraph.

Though I do believe you shouldn't be playing with gadgets while driving.
Phones, radios, A/C... it's all distracting. I'm not saying I'm a saint, but if I'm going to glance anywhere but the road, even for a second, I make absolutely sure no one's near me just because yes, it CAN happen that quick. And regardless of what the cyclist was doing...t hat's exactly the point: your attention can never waver precisely because you have no idea when the next guy is going to do something idiotic.

Did that car pull out in front of you in less than a second? Or did you swerve just a little? How did an accident happen just because you glanced down for a second?
The only way I can see is if the car pulled out in front of him quickly. This happened to me once when driving home from a voice lesson. I looked down for a split second to change the volume on my radio, and when I looked up there was a red car bearing down on me in my lane. I slammed on my breaks and swerved to the side and missed the car by about 1 foot.

And what was the other driver doing? Putting on makeup. GAH! *twitch*
Yeah, given the last couple of days for me (had to swerve to avoid t-boning a person who failed to see the blue SUV WITH LIGHTS ON, heading straight through the light) and the people who don't understand "turn signals first, maintain speed, check blind spot, THEN merge". Neither of them flinched when I showed my displeasure at having to deal with their stupidity. I'd like to blame it on something distracting them, but surprisingly, neither were on the phone.
Anyone have thoughts on sneezing? Blinking? Ooooh, maybe we should make it illegal to look to the side to see if someone's in your blindspot ... I mean, you ARE taking your eyes off the road in front of you ..... ..... can we get back on topic now?
Did that car pull out in front of you in less than a second? Or did you swerve just a little? How did an accident happen just because you glanced down for a second?

She slammed on the breaks the same instant I looked down. Her failure to watch the car in front of her caused my tank to eat her PT Cruiser. I would have hit her no matter what, but had I not been looking down at the time, my engine would not have ended up in her back seat.

My bumper was a little scratched. Her car was fucked. I lol'd a little. Mostly because I hate PT Cruisers.
Anyone have thoughts on sneezing? Blinking? Ooooh, maybe we should make it illegal to look to the side to see if someone's in your blindspot ... I mean, you ARE taking your eyes off the road in front of you ..... ..... can we get back on topic now?

Topics change like the course of the wind. If you can't handle it, I'm sure there's a crib you can cry in somewhere. :p
She slammed on the breaks the same instant I looked down. Her failure to watch the car in front of her caused my tank to eat her PT Cruiser. I would have hit her no matter what, but had I not been looking down at the time, my engine would not have ended up in her back seat.

My bumper was a little scratched. Her car was fucked. I lol'd a little. Mostly because I hate PT Cruisers.

So you were following too close. People who try to navigate a standard driving test course while talking on a cell phone fail it badly. Everytime. It's been tested.
So you were following too close. People who try to navigate a standard driving test course while talking on a cell phone fail it badly. Everytime. It's been tested.

Definitely following too close! I couldn't brake in "less than a second" to avoid an accident as bad as described, so yeah I guess it was inevitable regardless of the phone ringing. But apparently my reflexes are as honed because I can't even find my phone the *instant* it rings, muchless look at it. :Smug:

I heard somewhere that talking on the cell while driving impairs your abilities to the same degree as being drunk. Now I don't know that for sure, but I bet you could find some test results that show something similar. I've had times where it was necessary to talk on the phone while driving and it definitely made me feel as distracted and slow to react as being drunk. Scary thought considering we all know how many wrecks are caused by intoxicated drivers. :ill:

Topics change like the course of the wind. If you can't handle it, I'm sure there's a crib you can cry in somewhere. :p

Well put, sir. I was a little aggitated yesterday (post-holiday, too much time with the parents), and I let it show through my post. I shouldn't have, and I apologize for that . Now if you'll excuse me, I need to give Hoyt a call about the show tonight while I drive to the store ...

... I'm kidding! :lol:
Wohoo! I'm dumb enough!!!
I actually qualify for something!
Time to celebrate... eh, wait...
It is remarkably stupid.

I do not however, read the morning paper, have a coffe and shave at the same time.
At least not while driving. (Yes, I've seen someone do just that.)

I've seen a guy reading the paper AND eating fish and chips WITH a knife and fork.

And since this post stated out talking about voting, say hello to "our" new PM Harry Potter. Sorry i mean Kevin Rudd.
I never said I knew everything at 23. I will admit that I don't know shit. That cell phone thing was just because on the way home that day(with my 8 1/2 month pregnant wife) I almost got slammed 3 times and all 3 drivers were on their cell phones. I am not saying that it won't happen anywhere else in the world, I just wish I could go anywhere without worrying about that stuff. I know I at least need to get out of Dallas. That is why I would want the million dollars to get out of here and go travel the world and then find that perfect place for me. I am not a big fan of politics because we either are voting for a turd sandwich or a giant deusch and I am definately not a big fan of the culture here(and I know that it is a cauldron of all kinds of cultures). The whole state of the world sickens me actually. The whole world is just going to implode one day.