Would you let bad production get in the way of an otherwise good album?

The Butt

The true error to be corrected.
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
Did a thread like this on another board, thought I'd bring it up here.

As the title says. Would you fault an otherwise good album, for bad production (bad mixing, low-fidelity recording, or in some cases, over-production etc)?

Personally, I'm not picky when it comes to production/mixing, myself. My mentality is, it could be an awesome song, but why deprive yourself based on something as small as production? IMO, content > fancy add-ons.

I mean, to use an example, one of my favorite albums, Transilvanian Hunger by Darkthrone, sounds like it was recorded on a tape recorder. The guitar sounds like a wasp buzzing around in a jar. But the songs themselves, are amazing; so I could care less either way.

What about you guys? I predict that the BM fans 'round these parts will be a little more tolerant when it comes to bad production, but again, I want to get a feel of what everyone thinks.
It depends on how utterly horrendous the production is. I mean, we're talking lower than Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon demo type quality.

I do have my limits though. I can't listen to Emperor's Wrath of the Tyrant EP because its production is beyond horrendous.

I must be really weird, because "Night Of The Graveless Souls" from that demo was the song that got me into black metal. I still love that release, despite the horrid production.
It depends. If I can still make out the riffs, it's fine. But if I can't make out what the guitars are playing, then it's a problem for me. The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity is a good example of a great album with terrible producion. However, I can still make out the guitars, so I got used to the production with time.